Old ass town...

Man, I guess I had nothing better to do yesterday. There was like 3 blogs within 5 hours of each other, lol. Well, I was looking through some pictures and found some that I forgot to blog about. So, here you go.

Well, like last week sometime, I had to take my uncle to the doctor in Annapolis. It's an old ass town in Iron County. There's like a gas station, a restaurant, and a tiny doctor's office. While he was in the doctor's office, I decided to walk the tiny streets to relieve my boredom. And across from where I was parked was a old run down gas station. Perfect place to get some great pics. So, I did. Then, down the road a bit, there was another old ass building. So naturally, I got some pics of it too. I know, it was a big day for me.

That's about all though. Until next time, love, peace, and wiener grease...


Song of the day: Woman From Tokyo by Deep Purple

Don't you wish gas was that cheap again? I know I do.

Love this one.

Old ass gas pump.

Check out how vintage this building is, lol.
Yea, it looks like it would be easy to break in to, but it's not. Believe me, I tried...

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