Yoggie Chests

I really look up to and admire the person that thought of these things. No, they're not specifically designed for sugar gliders, but who cares? I think they were originally designed for little kids to put their teeth in after they pull/loose them. I wonder why I never had these bad boys when I was growing up? Anyway, you can put yoggies in them, but I prefer mealies. Gliders are savage little creatures that have a knack for hunting, so why not let them sniff out the mealie and tear the chest to shreds?

So, if you own a glider, I highly suggest getting these. As you can see from the pictures below, they come in a variety of colors to meet every ones needs. Until then, peace...


Song of the day: Time of the Season by The Zombies

I'll try and get some pics of all the gliders holding one, so look for that in the near future.

See, very neat little things.

They kind of look like little lunch pales when they're closed.

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