Fun while it lasted...

I guess I will go ahead and get this off of my chest... we decided to take Mischa back to the breeder we got her from. I know most of you (the ones who I didn't already tell) are asking yourselves, "Why would they do that?" Well, my friends, you didn't know her. Yes, I know she was a puppy and yes, I know she would've grown out of a lot of it, but it was just TOO much! Here's a list of reason's why we didn't keep her:

  1. She and Milla didn't get along.
  2. She chased the cats.
  3. The cats hated her.
  4. She refused to listen... literally!
  5. She chewed on cords (including my laptop cord that's ruined!).
  6. She barked/cried ALL night!

I'm sure there's more, but that was the major stuff. Yes, she was beyond cute, but cuteness only gets you so far. And I know most of you don't believe me when I say she wouldn't listen, but she wouldn't. We would tell her no and she would go back and do it over and over again! It just became too much and we made the decision to just take her back. Marilyn (the breeder) was extremely nice about everything and didn't hold a grudge, so that was awesome.

Well, I guess that's all for now, just wanted to share. Until next time, you know where to find me...  ;)

Love & Peace


Song of the day: Turn, Turn, Turn (To Everything There Is A Season) by The Byrds

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