I'm so lonesome I could cry...

That song speaks true to me at the moment. I don't know what it is, but I'm having a major rough patch in life right now. I guess I'm just depressed. This has happened twice before in my life. Once when my gran passed away, then again a couple years later. Once it hits, you can't kick it. I try to be happy and look at the bright side of everything, but sometimes it's just hard. I find it hard to enjoy things I once looked forward to. How's that for a classic case of depression.

It's just been an all around bad day. Like seriously, things were okay for an hour or so after I got up, but then they went from okay to completely unbearable! It's amazing how one wrong move and set the motion for the rest of the day. My luck.

Dare I bring forth the terribly depressing news about Sookie? She passed last night. I don't know what happened. She had recovered from her wet tail just fine. It doesn't look as if she suffered in the end, she was curled up in a little ball -- like she was sleeping. I'm happy that she went in her sleep. I can't talk about it too much right now, I'm just not in the right state to do so.

I went against my better judgment today and took outdoor joey pictures. I've been slacking TERRIBLY in the joey picture department. And it wasn't until after Viktor almost got away from me that I realized that he was too damn big for outdoor photos. He's 6 weeks already, what was I thinking?! That's a perfect example of how my mind is working at the moment.

I did, however, get some cute pictures of Wanda and Pietro. They held fairly still in my hands while I took their picture. It was nearly past sunset, so the lighting was terrible. It didn't help that it was cloudy, muggy, and foggy outside. I had to jack the ISO all the way up to 3200 -- way too grainy for my taste, but I had to.

Speaking of cameras, I have to use the kit lens for joey pictures anymore. I use the 50mm for basically everything, but it's a fixed zoom and that doesn't work well for joey pictures, not at all! I need a macro lens, I've already stated this to LaVaughn, so she knows. And if I ever get my photography up and running, I'm going to invest in a 85mm. That will be AFTER I purchase a new body, of course.

Well I guess one thing still excites me, talking about cameras.

I'm going to call it a day and enjoy what time I have left before work tomorrow. It's been a terribly sucky day, I honestly can't wait for it to be over...

Love & Peace


Random (and rare!) food finds:

Baby yellow tomatoes!

Salad cucumbers.

AND mascarpone cheese! Do you have any idea how long we've looked for this?

Random pictures from the day:

Love Bart's face.

I managed to clean the drop trays today - go me.

A caterpillar I harassed:

The joeys:





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