Fredericktown Fun!

As I'm sure most of you know by now, we like to hit Fredericktown up once in a while. There's not much to do on the activity side, but there are some nice country roads to drive on. And since we both spent a nice chunk of our childhood there, we like to go back and see what it looks like now.

Anyway, we had first planned on getting something to eat from Dairy Bar and then going to the park, but it was already about 80* at 10 in the morning, so we decided to cruise around for a bit. We hit up an old country road, not sure of the name, but our aunt and grandma used to live there almost 20 years ago. It was a pretty nice little drive, rocky, but nice.

After that, we though we would hit up Movie Gallery. So we get there, pull in and notice that the store is completely empty. What the hell! Where did MG go and when? It was such a bummer, cause that's usually a big highlight of our trip.

After that, we decided to do a little grocery shopping, get something to eat and then go home. All in all, it was a pretty nice little trip.

Until next time, you know where to find me...

Love & Peace


Song of the day: Something by The Beatles

At first, I thought this was a pretty cute picture of Milla. Then I looked in the background and saw the hideous rip in our car seat that SHE made! Ugh, demon dog.
This was a little turtle that we saw on the country road. He was headed the other way, but when he seen us, we whipped around and took off! I don't think I've ever seen a turtle go so fast, lol.
Just a few cute little mules. At least I think they're mules...
Nice shady road.
As you can tell, Milla was really enjoying herself.
This was just cute.
This is what the Fredericktown middle school looked like after it was set on fire. Pretty wicked looking.
Just another shot. I wish I could've got some pictures of the other side.
Yeah, you know this is cute.

I don't know why I like this picture, but I do.

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