A look back...

I think it was back in 2006 that I wrote my first New Years blog, and believe me, it was a good one, lol. I've been wanting to do another one so that I will have something too look back on next year and compare the changes. I usually try to write these with meaning, but sometimes they get a little too deep, lol. Anyway, here's my look back on the year, 2010.

As I sit here on the eve of the new year and the last day of 2010, I try to think of all the good things that have come my way. Unfortunately, I'm also flooded with the bad things and the people I'll never see again. But I try to put those kind of memories aside and focus on happier things so I don't go into the new year with a heave heart. But it is hard, considering how things have been going family wise. The past two years have been pretty hard. Some things I didn't think I would ever get over, but did. And some things I'm definitely not over and probably never will be. I try to take from those things and push forward. As I look back on this year, I remember the hard times that I've had to endure. But you can't focus on things like that, you have to look at the good times you had this year too. If you fill your head with bad memories, you're only going to make things harder on yourself. If you remember the good things, you will be motivated to make good, new memories in the new year. Thankfully, there aren't too many things I'm disappointed with this year. Are there things I want to change next year, of course. Are there things that will stay the same, definitely. Change isn't always good, unless it's for the better.

I'd like to make 2011 a year of motivation, relaxation and inner peace with myself. I'm SO done being a worry wart all the time. I'd also like to spend more time with the people that matter in my life and not focus so much on other things that are meaningless. I'd also like to spend more time doing the things that I love, like photography. I'd like to spend less time on the computer and more time in the real world, like watching movies, lol. I actually don't have too many goals in this coming year and I definitely don't have a resolution. I think resolutions are just a way to set you up and then slam you down when you don't reach that goal. Just a stupid thing I don't believe in. Now, there is absolutely nothing wrong with you doing it, though.

Well my dear, dear friends out there in blogger world, I leave you with this: Don't hold grudges, tell your family and friends that you love them, put the past behind you and be thankful for the little things. Life is just too short. Well my friends, I bid you adieu. Until next year, you know where to find me...

Happy New Year!


Song of the day: The Final Countdown by Europe

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