A little Red Dead Redemption to start the New Year...

Hey all, Happy New Year! Hope no one got too shit faced, lol. I would've blogged yesterday, but I was too busy playing... Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare! Oh man, that game is SO awesome! In so many ways, it's like GTA: San Adreas. That's probably because Rockstar is behind both games, but whatever. I remember like it was yesterday when I was still in my teens, playing San Andreas and discussing how awesome it would be if they combined GTA and zombies with LaVaughn. I guess that's why I love this game so much. No, you don't have cars and you don't get to pick up hookers (at least I don't think), but you get to ride a horse and shoot people while you're doing it, what more could you ask for? This game is 10 shades of awesome and I highly recommend it to any GTA/Zombie/Western lover.

Ok, I think I'm done praising the game... for now, lol. Time to talk ferrets! As I'm sure you all know by now, our ferret, Robbie, it awesome. We realised a few days ago that he loves peanut butter, so now as an occasional snack, he gets some. Creamy and never chunky, ferrets can very easily choke on little chunks of peanuts. Anyway, I managed to get some really awesome pictures of him licking the peanut butter off of LaVaughn's finger last night. They are seriously so cute! If you have a ferrets, you should definitely see if they want some peanut butter. But don't go crazy and give them a whole plate of it. It's not the best thing for them, but a little lick here and there wont hurt. ;)

Well kiddies, I believe that's all for now. I'm starting to cough like crazy, so I need to go get a drink or something. Until next time, you know where to find me...

Love & Peace


Song of the day: Do You Wanna Touch Me by Joan Jett & The Blackhearts

Here's the beyond awesome game:

And here are the awesome pictures of, Robbie, eating peanut butter:

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