Sick as a chick...

Unfortunately, one of our little Aracauna became sickly yesterday and went downhill very quickly. LaVaughn made some gruel out of chick feed and warm water and tried to get her to eat that. The first couple times were successful, but her health just kept decreasing. I honestly thought she was a goner around 4 this morning, but kept hanging on.

When I woke up a little while ago, I was sure I was going to find a dead baby chick. To my surprise, she was still with us! I sat down next to her box and got her out. She's still very, very weak, but seems to be keeping her eyes open a little more than yesterday. I stuck her little beak down in her water so that she could get a drink. After I did this a couple times, she took a couple drinks on her own! I tried to get her to eat, but she wasn't having it.

If this little girl makes it, she's going to be one tough little broad!

I honestly wish I could say that I think she's going to make it, but I just don't know right now. I don't even know what happened to her! I mean, I know it's kind of hit and miss with baby chicks, especially if they're under a week old. I know she didn't get cold -- there are two different heating lamps on her -- and I know she had food ans water. It's just one of those freak things that happens.

It's really starting to pull on my heart strings. I almost lost it last night when I was holding her and her tired little head kept dropping. It's killing me and there's nothing I can do for her...

I have to get off of this subject.

I wanted to talk about the rats, but I just feel so bummed now... We've pretty much stopped tent time with the rats -- it's just so taxing to get the tent out every night -- and started taking them in the bathroom, like we used to do with Evan and Jonah.

Sally has a blast, while Emilie hides in my shirt. She's worse than a glider when it comes to getting in your shirt! I didn't take many photos of them, unfortunately. If you've owned rats before, then you know just how hard it is to snap a good photo! I recorded a little video of Sally that I think will make up for the lack of pictures, though. It's great!

I suppose I need to go check on the baby chick. Wish me luck!

Love & Peace


 Rats make a horrible mess...

 Emilie in my shirt.

 This cute little rat SITS in LaVaughn's hand while she's eating. 


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