Weekly iPhone Roundup {1.21 - 1.27}

 Another week gone, another snow storm that resulted in a power outage. Years ago this area lost power if the wind blew in the wrong direction, then the electricity company "fixed" it somehow and we were able to withstand all kinds of storms without so much as a flicker. Now it's polar opposite and the electricity goes off even when it's not storming. It's murder.

Still in Sim mode, so not doing much else. I mean, with the power outage there was no playing, but still. I'm slowly starting to get out of it, though. You can only play the Sims for so long before you start losing it and eventually getting creeped out by the thought. Then you put the game away for 3-4 months before it sounds enjoyable again. It's a strange thing if you think about it.

Not much more to talk about, so I'll leave it at that. Hope everyone has a safe weekend!

Waiting in line at Taco Bell for my little bro.

Watching the second episode of The Last of Us. All I can say is amazing. Everything was awesome, even the amazing clicker.

Tuesday I made some homemade beef stew (with vegan meat) and it was delicious.

Pics of the snow storm from my phone.

Not really a snow storm, but these snow covered trees make you think it is.

It was enough of a snow storm to knock out the power.

Thank God for kerosene heaters.

One more of the heavily snow covered trees.

Poor Max was terrified because the power kept going off and making a terrifying sound to him.

This snow covered oak tree is a beauty.

Ventured out Friday for some items from Dollar General.

The air was crisp and refreshing, as was the bright lighting.

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