Weekly iPhone Roundup - New Year Edition {12.31 - 1.6}

 So I'm completely aware that my blogging has almost completely halted lately. I mean, the holidays played a big part in that, but I've also been playing The Sims ALL week long. When I'm not playing that, I'm playing Astro's Playroom, which I've been obsessed with since like Christmas. You wouldn't think something so simple could be so fun, but it really is a blast. I think the main reason is because you don't have to think too hard about what you're doing, lol. It's just like a simple arcade game that you don't have to get set up for, like The Last Of Us. So yeah, I've been hella preoccupied lately.

I'm not going to get into New Years Eve or day, some really uncomfortable things happened and I don't want to talk about it.

Since I've been going at The Sims so hard, I haven't really done anything else. Quite literally if I'm being honest - I become very lazy when I'm in a Sims kick.

With that being said, here are the very few pictures that I've taken on my phone this week:

My moms youngest chihuahua, Hyde. He's obsessed with us.

It was a Pizza Hut kinda night for my little brother.

First picture of the New Year. This is actually a bag I got from Thiland, it's a boho style and I'm literally obsessed with it.

The fog was unreal Sunday.

I don't think a foggy start to the New Year is a good thing, but I could be wrong.

The egg prices in Rozier's in Perryville were insane! $6.75 is just too much.

These eggs were even more expensive.

These are the most expensive at almost $7 a dozen.

This is the "cheaper" option of eggs.

More nasty fog.

The fog was unreal Monday. It was much worse than this pictures depicts.

You could only see like 15 feet in front of the car.

Boiling lemons to drink the water because everyone in Perryville is sick.

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