Weekly iPhone Roundup {1.7 - 1.13}

 This is probably my worst roundup post yet. I only took pictures of my mom's dog, Hyde, while we were in Perryville and literally only took two pictures of homemade coffee this week. Damn... I think I need to give The Sims a break for a while.

I think this is something that applies to all simmers. Unless, of course, you're a YouTuber that releases only Sims content, then I get why it's a daily thing for you. For the other 97% of simmers out there, myself included, playing The Sims is something that comes in waves. It's not like other games, you're either in the mood to play or not, there's no in-between.

Right now, for example, I'm super into playing and literally only think about playing. In another week or two I'll probably be disgusted by the thought of playing and wont play for months at a time. No joke. I mean, if The Sims team would happen to release some amazing content in-between my urges to play, then I would probably play. It would have to be something monumental like Medieval gameplay or new ages.

Anyways, done with my Sims ranting, here are the pics from the past week:

Hyde, my moms chihuahua, helping me drive. I was actually at a stop sign, though.

He has the cutest little chiweenie face ever!

He looks like a Simpson character here.

Sitting on my guts waiting at Sonic.

His face is so stinking cute. I also don't know if he's a chiweenie or not, but he looks like it.

Waiting on the Sonic delivery.

First time making cold foam coffee. This was the Starbucks cold foam copycat recipe.

It's just 3 tablespoons of heavy cream, 2 tablespoons of 2% milk & 1 tablespoon of vanilla syrup. Then you mix them everything together with a wish and then blend with a little mixer that they sell on Amazon specifically for foaming or whipping milk.

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