Weekly iPhone Roundup {1.28 - 2.3}

 As I'm sure most people in the US know, last week was full of snow and ice. Much to my surprise we also got mass amounts of ice Sunday night into Monday morning. I really had no clue it was supposed to happen or LaVaughn and I would've both left Perryville Monday morning after work. Of course, things didn't happen that way and by the time I woke up at noon on Monday it was too late, the ice was everywhere.

The joys of working until after 4AM is not being able to wake up earlier.

If you know anything about us you know that the ice didn't stop us from clawing our way home. It took twice as long to get home, but thank God we made it in once piece. We did slide to a stop in Fredericktown before we picked up our groceries, resulting in me almost rear-ending the car in front of me. Thankfully that didn't happen.

I've driven on snow and ice a few times before, but nothing as bad as this. It was stupid and careless of us to attempt to make it home, but every homebody in the world knows they'll do whatever it takes to get home.

In non-near death experiences, my heat mat arrived for my lemon trees this week. It's really new and won't lay flat just yet, but the more it heats up the better it will work.

I think that's all for now. I hope everyone had an awesome week!

Ice covered window in the car. We legit had to let the car run for over 20 minutes. We both got out and scraped the window multiple times, but the ice was so thick.

We stopped for a coffee at The Station in Fredericktown. You know, priorities.

Waiting on Walmart pickup.

This was highway 67 - not as bad as others, but still pretty bad.

This is highway 34 coming into Piedmont. It was really nasty.

We parked at Murphy's Pizza in Piedmont to call my aunt to let her know we were okay. As you can see, the roads were terrible.

This is highway 143 just past the store I used to work at in Des Arc, completely covered in ice.

Our frozen yard. This was fun to walk on.

I ventured out on Thursday for some necessities.

Our county road was still completely covered in ice.

Thankfully the highway wasn't and there was enough gravel showing through to give me some traction.

Some of my lemon seeds are starting to sprout up!

This is the heat mat I bought from Amazon. So far so good.

Look at all these little guys snug on their warm mat.

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