- Weekly iPhone Roundup {2.18 - 2.24}

 What an eventful week! So my aunt surprised us with 6 Easter Egger chicken over the weekend and they are the CUTEST! Then I made the mistake of calling Buchheit's Saturday and finding out that they had all kinds of baby chicks! I ended up getting 8 more chicks. I know, that's kind of a lot at once, but I couldn't help myself. 

I ended up getting 2 Barred Rock, 2 Dominique, 2 Polish Crested and last, but definitely not least... 2 Silkies!! We have a white little roo, so I got a white Silkie and a buff colored Silkie. Little known fact about me, Silkies are my favorite chickens in the world, so it tickled me to death to find baby Silkies. I wanted to take them all, no joke.

Then out of nowhere Tuesday evening, our white Polish Crested got very lethargic. She was just standing off to herself, not eating or drinking, just sleeping. I got her out and held her and fed her some chick started mixed with water. I would scrape a small amount on her beak until she would finally eat it. Then we dripped some sugar water on her beak, which she ended up drinking. It took a few hours for her to come around, but thank God she did. 

By the end of the night she was standing in the food and eating herself!

I guess that's all for now, here are the pics from the week (there's a lot):

McDonald's for the win Saturday night.

It was so dead in Perryville Sunday night, like more than usual.

Here are the beautiful little Easter Egger chicks!

I love them so much.

Here are the little chicks in their new home for the sex several weeks.

I unintentionally had 4 white cheddar items in my cart Monday. Definitely wasn't planned.

Canning jars galore at Buchheits!

Oh how I wanted every single one of these baby ducklings.

Here's the new additions.

I also grabbed a big pack of ammo from Walmart for our new .22 handguns that my mom and step dad got LaVaughn and myself for Christmas.

Here are all the little chicks together. It's hard to tell them apart in this pic.

The little black ones are the Barred Rock and Dominique. The grey and white is one of the Polish Crested, the other Polish and two Silkies are mixed in there somewhere.

Look how much my lemon sprouts are growing! I topped them off with more soil earlier this week, but I think they look amazin.

Here's our little white Polish Crested. She was so pitiful.

She also looks very hateful.

But she's a sweet little baby chick.

I went for a ride Wednesday to try and find a Bald Eagle that I saw on the drive home Monday. I didn't find it, unfortunately.

I drove down C highway, which is pictured here. There's always Bald Eagles in this location.

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