Fall 2021 {Recap}

 Not too much happened last fall either. We honestly didn't have a very good fall to begin with, it went from like 80 degree weather to 40 degree weather and killed everything. We maybe had a week or two of pretty leaves and mild temps. 

After my phone pics it's mainly gonna be random macro shots. LaVaughn wanted to get me a lens for Christmas last year, so I picked out the Nikon 105mm 2.8 VR lens. I'm notorious for finding the lowest price, so I insisted on a used lens, which she agreed to. Besides, the 105mm lens is WAY too pricy new, even years after it was released. I ended up finding an amazing deal on one with a small little blemish on the front of the lens. It also had a very, very low shutter count. She had me test the lens out to make sure it was in working order, which I did (and it was). That's the macro shots you see below.

Hope you enjoy!

This is a cute little DIY haunted house that my mom made for my brother. It's SO cute! Funny story, she made a bunch of little headstones with all our names on them, but it freaked her out and she changed them, lol.

My mom and stepdad's awesome banana trees in front of their house.

More of that filter that I love. How cute is my boy, Max? He loves evening walks in the fall.

I guess I was feeling fancy here with my fave Snapchat filter. I honestly don't even remember eating an avocado and tomato salad (with a side of V8?) last year.

Fall scenery outside the kitchen window.

My insane stepdad, Jeff. This was what he decided to wear when he trimmed the banana trees for winter. This was just after Halloween, so he wanted to scare the neighbors with one of our masks and his machete. 

Always with his hand on his hip. So much attitude, lol.

Now for the 105mm 2.8 VR Macro pics:

Macro ladybug.

Ladybugs are cute, but I can't stand them.

Worms on the fence!

I think this is a yellow-striped armyworm, but I could be wrong.

The macro quality of this lens is amazing.

The bokeh is so creamy and beautiful.

I also harassed a fly. Decent shading, considering the time of day.

I also got a picture of the fly peeing/pooping.

Pretty autumn weeds.

I don't know what these puffs are.

Leaves in the fall are some of my favorite to photograph.

Fall colored leaves are just stunning.

I don't know why I'm obsessed with large, dying leaves, but I am.

There's something nostalgic about them I think. 

I used to love to take pics like this all the time when I got my first Nikon point and shoot.

I think I did it with my Canon too, but idk.

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