Late Summer 2021 {Recap}

 Lets see, what all happened last summer... I honestly can't think of anything crazy that happened. We finished up with the gardening and canning, like normal, but other than that and a few random pictures here and there, that's about all. 

My aunt and uncle got a camper and utilized that most of the summer. LaVaughn and I went out and visited them a few different times, but never stayed the night or anything. It seemed like every time they went it was like 100 degrees, so we ended up sitting inside the camper the entire time. 

I'm gonna let the pictures tell the rest of the story. Enjoy!

We had SO many cucumbers last year, including lemon cucumbers. I wanted to grow them to bad, but they're so not worth the time IMO.

I was obsessed with this Snapchat filter last year. Also liked to burn trash in the wee hours of the morning.

We canned a lot of lemon cucumbers too. Their skin is too thick for canning.

This is one of two Praying Manti that I harassed.

Praying Mantis with attitude.

Salsa canning process.

This is giving Stars Hallow house for some reason.

Eggplants that I grew last year (and didn't really eat).

Endless supply of lemon cucumbers.

A successful season of canning. Look at all those canning jars!

One of my long sweet peppers that didn't produce until like October.

This guy didn't even ripen up. 

Still pretty, though.

Idk why so many pics of this guy.

This is one of two avocado trees that I successfully grew for like almost a year.

The died in late spring/early summer of this year.

It was sad.

Always trying to find a living thing to photograph.

The literal fruit of my labor.

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