Only 15 months late...

 Wow, I have no words. I really don't know what happens to be when I just decide to up and stop blogging without a word. It's usually due to my overactive mind and anxiety, like 98% of the time. Then once I start overthinking and worrying blogging is the last thing on my mind. I know I've covered this in numerous posts, but it's still true today. 

I can't express how much I love blogging, so I don't know why I can't just take a step back, reassess and then continue blogging a week or two later. Instead I wait months or year. *insert eye roll*

So... I have literally no idea where to begin. I mean, over a year has passed so a lot has happened. I mean, a lot of the same, really. I'm going to try and backtrack without looking at photos to see if anything big sticks out. The most recent thing would be a photoshoot that I did last week. I'm sure I've talked about Shawna and her little brother, Levi, before. I used to work with her at the store in Des Arc - I've known her and her family for over 6 years. She messaged me a couple weeks ago and asked if I would do Levi's senior pictures, of course I said yes. Even though Shawna and I kinda had a falling out not long after I left that job. That's for another post, though. We're still civil and talk, but things are just different not. 

Anyways, so I did his pictures last week. I'll dedicate a post to that before too long. As soon as I opened my blogger dashboard today I saw that I had a draft post from July 14th of last year. It was a COVID vaccine update, so I went ahead and posted it. I read over it first - nothing huge, just the update. 

I don't really want to go over everything in this post, because I want to create dedicated posts with photos, so I'll probably stop here and go write up some drafts. I have to go through photos first... lots and lots of photos. I also forgot what website I used to watermark my photos, that sucks. I'm sure I'll be able to find it again. Maybe I even have it watermarked. 

I guess that's all for now. If I stick to this, I'll probably have an influx of posts in the coming days. Until next time!

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