iPhone Photos Recap {Dec. 2021- Oct. 2022}

 There are lots of days where I don't pick up my actual camera and opt for a cell phone photo or two instead, so I thought I would pick out the best or most random pics on my phone from the past several months and share them here. They start from the end of December of last year until just a few short days ago.

I'd also like to add how different phone pics look on your phone versus how they look on a computer. I read someone say one time that iPhone photos only look good on an iPhone and they're not entirely wrong, lol. Enjoy!

This is a T-Ring that I ordered to go with my camera adapter for my telescope.

Here's the setup. Absolutely no instructions, had to figure this out on my own.

A fire in the middle of a snowy night.

That one time I took my moms youngest dog, Hyde, to pickup food with me. He thinks he's a tiny dog.

He loved looking at all the traffic.

He wants to be a tiny little chiweenie chauffer.

Fast forward a couple months to Ella's birthday. She got to go solo and get a birthday burger. 

She has some crazy chihuahua eyes, lol.

Hyde upstairs, basking in the sunlight.

Here's the weird bug that was on the cucumbers over the summer.

This is just some of the strawberries that I got from Frank's produce. We made loads of strawberry jam.

Finally found my favorite hot sauce on the planet, Red Devil! I used to could find this for .99 a bottle at T&C in Piedmont, but they haven't carried it in like 8 years or longer. Amazon for the win!

Some jackass parked behind the carts at Walmart.

Pretty leaf on the deck.

Love the water drops on the leaf. surprisingly this photo turned out quite well on my phone.

Some type of hybrid war beetle on the deck.

Sunsets in Perryville.

Such a pretty sight. Love sunsets through the car window, lol.

This was from the end of September when we visited my aunt and uncle at their campground. Love these blue lights under their campers awning!

Picture of the mood through my telescope.

More Perryville sunsets.

The sky is so pretty around this area of Perryville.

Blood moon from a few weeks ago.

Beautiful golden hour in the neighborhood in Perryville.

This was from Max's trip to the vet for his yearly checkup earlier this month.

He's such a beautiful Boxador.

He loves car rides as well.

This is his, "Excuse me?" face.

Such a long Boxador tongue.

Last one, lol.

Such a beautiful vintage car!

Driving home - fall was in full swing.

This wasn't even the prettiest part of the road.

The window was dirty, but this is still a gorgeous autumn view.

Our country road is probably one of the prettiest in the fall. I got an even better on on my tablet that I'll make a dedicated post for.

Sunset over St. Francis river.

Ella with her crazy eyes.

She was straight jacked and wanted to fight me.

Level 100 on the crazy chihuahua chart!

Some Canadian geese next to a sunset on the lake.

These are the two ingredient air fryer bagels that I've made almost weekly all summer, lol.

Our cult neighbors gifted us with two industrial sized jugs of poppyseed dressing a couple weeks ago.

From the 20th of this month, on my way to my first photoshoot of the fall.

And lastly, our very country kitchen window with a fall background. That is extremely dried thyme to the left, lol.

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