She's just gone...

Lucy hasn't been home since Tuesday morning, early Tuesday morning. It's not like her to not come home. She only left one time and was only gone for a little over a day. Even when she first showed up here (pregnant), she didn't run off for days to have her kittens. She had them within a few hours of each other, then came back that same day several different times to eat.

I know I mentioned that she was pregnant again (our own stupid fault), which worries me even more knowing she's about to pop and God know's where!

I think I know what happened, which fucking kills me. I honestly don't know who I know that reads my blog anymore, so I really need to watch what I say. I'm just hoping that I'm wrong about what I'm thinking and maybe she actually did just run off.

If something happened to her, by someone's hand, then I hope it comes back to you 10 fold and you suffer greatly for it. I hope you loose something of yours that means the world to you, something you hold near and dear to your heart.

Ugh, end rant.

Now I'm going to move my mind from the tragedy of the week and on to Seamus. We held him in a bonding pouch for a while last night and he is just to die for!! He is seriously the cutest and sweetest little guy ever! And man is he chubby! I had no idea he had put on so much winter weight! He only weighs 132 grams, which all seems to have collected in the breast area.

He completely flattens on his back when he eats treats, which is a stunning display for anyone to witness. I think we ended up getting 40 some odd pictures between the two of us. And yes, they're all going to be uploaded to this blog. Just see for yourself, you wont regret it.

And now I'm going to move from happy thoughts to my dark, disturbed thoughts. I can't go 10 minutes without thinking of Lucy and where she might be. Alone, scared, hungry, wet from all the storms. It makes me sick to know she's out there somewhere, struggling to find food, a place to have her babies. Just please, keep us and her in your thoughts and hope she comes back to us...

Love & Peace


Miss Violet and her little:

Neal's closeup:

Now, prepare yourself for one of the cutest sugar glider experiences in the world:

Is he not the cutest, chubbiest sugar glider ever!?!?

He is just too much.

Time for pictures of papa, who is equally chubby:

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