Out with the old...

After having our email hacked into, being snowed in, and having and ongoing feud on YouTube, we've managed to change some things. And some of those things, as I'm sure you can tell, happened right here on our blog. And those things are: a display of our YouTube videos and a search bar that allows you to search throughout our blog. Pretty snazzy, eh? But that's still not the biggest change, oh no. After 4 long years of being kitty_kats06@yahoo, we are now the_girls2012@yahoo.com. After our email was hacked, nothing has been right. We get email 2 days after people send them and sometimes, stuff doesn't even get to us. It was all becoming too annoying, so we decided to change. Then we had to go around to all of our accounts and change the emails and passwords. It was a bit of pain, but at least it's all done now.

I guess that brings us to the end. So, goodbye kitty_kats06, and hello the_girls2012. Until next time, you know where to find me. Love & Peace


Song of the day: Goodbye to Romance by Ozzy Osbourne

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