I started my day by wandering around the yard talking random photos of random things. Then LaVaughn and I had to go to town. We got there a tad too soon (we had to wait on something) so we decided to drive out to Clearwater Dam and walk around. It's been ages since we've been there, so I was really looking forward to the photos I could take!
We picked a good day to go, it wasn't too hot. Still a little on the warm side, but not too bad. There wasn't a lot of people there either - just 3 creepers waking around and flirting with each other... long story. But yeah, it was a nice day and I got some awesome pictures to prove it!
Love & Peace
Here are the photos:
Dead leaves on a dirty ground. :)
I really don't know why I'm so attracted to fallen leaves.
I'm guessing some type of solar power station?
I believe this to be a good fishing area at Clearwater Dam.
Clearwater Dam rules and regulations.
A very whimsical shot of the water.
You can almost walk straight down to the water from here.
The words of young lovers written on the side of Clearwater Dam.
A rain drain coming out of the woods.
Squirrel silhouette.
Some very large trees at Clearwater Dam.
Love this one. Makes me think the trees are alive!
Mushrooms anyone?
Could you imagine if Hobbits lived in the area! There would be no shrooms in sight!
More tall trees!
Look at the size of that bark!
Another rain drain photos. I believe this was taken by LaVaughn.
The walkway to the top of the dam.
Can you imagine how much pressure there is in this spot?
Water pouring out of the Clearwater Dam.
More leaves!
An even closer shot of the leaf.
The chain-link fence that protect people from falling into the dam.
LaVaughn said this photo reminds her of The Walking Dead for some reason.
At the top of the dam!
An overview of Clearwater park, lake and dam.
And here are some photos that I took before we went to the dam:
Check out the size of that watermelon!! And yes, I grew it! :D
See how big? My gran would be so proud of me.
As you can see, my watermelon vines are taking over the yard.
Guess what... more leaf pictures!
I do love the way this looks, though.
Some beautiful weeds.
The end.
And now for a video!