I guess I'll start by addressing the title of this blog so that no one is confused. LaVaughn and I had to go to Fredericktown earlier today to do a little grocery shopping. As we were driving through the shady little town, I couldn't help but notice there were signs all along the road that read, "Chili Dinner Under Wilson's!" I figured it was just some type of fundraiser, but oh how wrong I was...
Just as we left town square and approached the stoplight, I glanced forward at Wilson Family Funeral Home only to see 3 people with signs waving their arms like crazy at all the passing cars. As we drove closer, I was able to read the sings... "Come join us at the chili dinner under Wilson's!" What!?!? They're having a chili dinner under the funeral home!?!?! I seriously couldn't believe my eye. I tried like hell to get a picture, but was unable to pull the camera out fast enough. Hmm, I wonder if they were serving beef chili or chicken chili... :O)
Well, I suppose that's all for now. Just wanted to share with you yet another jaw dropping experience from the one and only... Fredericktown, Missouri. Until next time, you know where to find me...
Love & Peace
Song of the day: Doctor My Eyes by Jackson Browne
Here are the kind of pretty, kind of boring pictures from today:
The lovely view of HWY 67.
Sunset through the trees.
More sunset through the trees.
Washed out sunset.
This totally reminds me of a washed out picture from the 70s.
This one too.
This would be Fredericktown.
And lastly, the moon.
Bonus Gallery!
I managed to get some really cute pictures of the gliders Thursday night, but didn't want to upload them to yesterdays blog because that was mainly focused on our new cage. So... I decided to add them at the end of this blog. Without further adieu, here are the pictures (and videos):
Logan having a snack.
Sugar glider profile, lol.
Stand proud, stand tall. ~Logan the Sugar Glider
"Did I do that?"
More like, "Please don't beat me mom!"
Kira with her big, crazy eyes!
She's such a pretty girl.
Look at her beautifulness... is that even a word?
Peeking sugar glider...
"May I help you?"
Pip having a snack.
"Do I have something on my face?"
Gotta get the stuff in the corners too!
Messy sugar glider profile, lol.
Crazy eyed glider!
"I swear I'm not a pig."
"May I ask why you're in my personal space?"
"Oh God, she has the camera again."
"I feel sick now."
Pip diving in behind Sadie.
What a lovely sugar glider couple. <3
And now for the videos: