Hackers, you gotta love them...
" Hi, I'm writing this with tears in my eyes,my fam and I came down here to Wales,United Kingdom for a short vacation unfortunately we were mugged at the park of the hotel where we stayed,all cash,credit card and cell were stolen off us but luckily for us we still have our passports with us.We've been to the embassy and the Police here but they're not helping issues at all and our flight leaves in less than 8hrs from now but we're having problems settling the hotel bills and the hotel manager won't let us leave until we settle the bills,i'm freaked out at the moment. Meg"
Isn't that funny shit! Seriously, why would we be in the UK? And why would people not know that we went to the UK, lol. It's truthfully not funny, but it is too. It had poor Judy all worked up. The bad thing, after Judy emailed back, so did the hacker. And guess how much money they were asking for... $1,580. And that was just for the hotel bill, lol. No telling how much they would've asked for. Luckily, no one sent any money. More of our contacts emailed us back wondering what in the hell that was about, so we told them.
So, after waiting 12+ hours, resetting our password, and reading this piss poor excuse for money, all is back to normal. At least we have a story to tell. Love and peace...
Song of the day: Hey Man, Nice Shot by Filter
They're here!
Love & Peace
Song of the day: Now I'm Here by Queen
It's a boy!
So, sit back and enjoy the pics. Love and peace...
Song of the day: So Happy Together by The Turtles

Supernatural on DVD...

Just some pics...
Song of the day: Juke Box Hero by Foreigner
Finally seeing some color...
Song of the day: I Just Want To Make Love To You by Foghat

A Perfect Getaway


The Final Destination

Halloween II


We had to go to Poplar Bluff yesterday morning and do some shit. It was so, so cold out. I thought I was going to loose my toes due to frost bite... seriously. There was so much snow still and the temp was like 3 degrees. It takes the car like 30 minutes to get warm, so by the time it started heating up, we had to stop and get gas. Anyway, we finally got there a little after 8. So, as LaVaughn was doing what she needed to do, I had to sit and wait on her. It was such a long and boring process.
After we left there, we were going to hop on over to PetsWay, but naturally, they were closed. And since they didn't open til 10, we didn't want to wait around. So we decided to come back home.
I know, this is a long boring ass post, but I had nothing else to do. But don't get too depressed, I got a couple really cool pics to show you. You'll see those at the bottom, like always.
Well, I guess that's all I have to say for now. Until next time, love, peace, and wiener grease. Peace bitches...
Song of the day: Yesterday by The Beatles
This picture is just really majestic looking. It reminds me of van Gogh's Starry Night.
If you'll look at the middle of the picture, you'll notice a perfect snowflake. It looks better in the full size. LaVaughn's snapped this while on the phone.
Reviews, as promised...
Black Water
This was a pretty good little Australian alligator movie. Naturally, it had no big release. We just saw it at the movie store one day and realised that we had never seen it, so we got it. It's about 3 people who go out on a boat in the waters of Australia and find them selves stranded at the mercy of the alligators. All in all, it's pretty good if you have nothing to watch. But, I have to say it's no Rogue. I give this a 7.5/10.
Aliens Vs. Predator: Requiem
Ok, I can't really give this one a full review, as I did not finish it. But what I did watch was ok. I'm sure that all you Alien and Predator fans will like it. Whit out a doubt, you've already seen it. Being that it came out some time ago. But, I didn't watch it all, so I give it a 5/10.
Hard Candy
I know this movie got a lot of hype for being so gut wrenching on this one particular part. After all, it was on the Top 13 Scariest Movies of All Time. I think for some reason, it may be a little scarier to the boys than the girls. But I have to say, that part of the movie made me cringe too. So, if you've never seen this and you're just dying to know what part I'm talking about, then go rent it. It's a really good movie that has a lot going on. I give it a 8/10
Resident Evil: Degeneration">
Being a 10+ year Resident Evil fan, I just knew this movie would be awesome. Well, it's ok, but far from awesome. I'm so used to the actual Resident Evil movies, I was expecting a little more. And every single time It would be coming up to a fight scene, I kept thinking I had to play at the end. All in all, it was ok. I give it a 6/10.
I Love You, Beth Cooper
I'm not much on chick flicks, but this one wasn't too bad. There were a few funny parts that really stood out. So, if you're into chick flicks, you'll probably love it. And guys, if you ever want to impress your gal pal, I suggest renting this for her. She'll love you long time, lol. I give it a 7.5/10.
Star Trek
I've never ever been a Trekkie, but after this movie, I may just change my mind. I've never actually watched an episode of Star Trek, just the occasional pass by when I'm trying to find something on TV, so I can't really compare. But this movie was good. It blew G.I. Joe out of the water... way out of the water. So, if you've never rented this because you're not a Trekkie, you may want to run down to the movie store and give it a go. I give this far out number a 8/10.
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
Ok, I'm such a huge Transformers fan, I don't think they'll ever make one I don't like. These movies are so good from beginning to end. And usually the sequels are bunk, but this one was just as good. I give it a 8.5/10.
Jennifer's Body
As I'm sure most of you know, people hated this movie. I didn't think it was too bad, but some if it could've better. The plot was over worked. They tried way too hard to make this movie hip by using lines such as, "You're so Jello", "He's extra salty", and words like, "Shutties", "Biffs", and "Tampoonig". There's way more, but I can't remember them all. So, use your own judgment on this one. I give it a 7/10.
Warriors of Terra
Oh man, I really wish we had our $5 back. This movie looked bad from the second it started to when we turned it off. Which was like 30 minutes into the movie. Again, I can't give it a full rating cause we didn't finish it. So I give what we seen a 1.5/10. Yeah, it was that bad.
Paranormal Activity
And to finish off the list, Paranormal Activity. For some reason, this movie terrifies people. No clue why, I thought it sucked. There was only like 2 parts that were remotely scary. And that's not including the very end either (which I think sucked). It's still showing previews of people in the theater supposedly watching this and freaking out. Personally, I think that they were watching something else to make this movie seem scary. Or the people in the theater are just trying to be cute. Ugh, I hate the actors in this movie too. If they wanted to make it believe able, they should've got people that can actually act scared. I could go on for hours about how much I dislike this movie, but I'm going to stop here. I give it a 2.5/10.
Well, I guess that's enough for now. Hopefully that gets you up to date on all the movies we've watched lately. Hope you enjoy! Peace...
Song of the day: God Gave Rock & Roll to You by Kiss
Don't forget to click the name of the movie for the trailer!
The past week...
Hey everyone. I know, it's been forever and a day since I've blogged, but I'm here now. I've been kind of busy the past week and every time I get time to blog, I'm doing something else. So, here's a review of the past week... and then some.
Hmm, where to start... well last week (Monday night) we decided to go to Poplar Bluff and dick around for a little while. So, on the way up there we decided to take a different route than what we usually do. After we drove about 16 miles or so, we figured we were going the wrong way. Long story short, we ended up in Carter county. No clue where that is, but we turned around and made our way there in one piece. Despite driving around in Texas Chainsaw Massacre territory. By the time we got to PB it was past 11:00, so there was no going to Hastings. So we had to blow that off and go to Walmart. And since it was so close to midnight, we decided to wait on the release of... Jennifer's Body. We got that and one other movie called, Warriors of Terra. Oh man, that movie is so bad. It's description made it sound 10 times better than it actually was. Luckily, it was only $5.
What else... we ordered a Sandy Insert (thing to keep the gliders nails trimmed) and some Yogurt Drops for the gliders the other day. We should be getting that tomorrow or the next day. And speaking of gliders, Kira's babies are getting huge! They should be OOP this month around the 24th. We're really looking forward to that.
And I guess that brings us to today. The other stuff in between is just boring, so I'll spare you. We just got back from Fredericktown a little bit ago. We had to go to the market and pick up a few things. When we went in it appeared to be a normal night, then by the time we came out, it was snowing like crazy.
Well, I guess that's all for now. Hopefully next time I'll have something more interesting to blog about. Until then, you know what to do and where to find me. Peace...
Song of the day: L.A. Woman by The Doors