Can you smell it? The smell of fresh, zombie slayed blood. Well, if you can't, maybe this isn't the blog for you. I've been trying to make time for this exact blog for a while now. I wanted it to be perfect. Then that way I can look back on this when Left 4 Dead 3 comes out and think to myself, "What good times that was." but lets face it, that's not going happen any time soon. So until then, can you even fathom what's coming out in 79 days? For me, November 17th, 2009 isn't just a stop along the way, it's a destination. And I hope that everyone reading this right now is going to be on the same bus as me. If not, you're not who I though you were. Well anyway, I could go on and on about this game until I had nothing left in me, but that's not what I'm going to do.
Well, my fellow zombie saying, ass kickin', gun toting friends, I'll see you on the other side. Peace...
Song of the day: Zombie Stomp by Ozzy Osbourne
Stills from Left 4 Dead 2. Click to view the full size.
Well, I just found out that my uncle came through the surgery just fine! They finished at 7:30. So he was in the operating room for and astounding 10 hours. But he's out now. This is so great to here. I couldn't be happier for him right now. I'll try and keep you updated when I hear something...
I just found out that my uncle (who has been in and out of the hospital for about a month) is going to get a liver transplant today at 9:00. This is fantastic news! He's been trying to get on the donor list for some time now, and apparently he was #1 on the list. Unfortunately, the donor is a 31 year old man. Not sure what he died from. I'm just so happy for my uncle right now. The only downside, it's an estimated 8-12 hour surgery. So now, it's just a waiting game. I'll keep everyone updated on his condition when I hear something.
Oh man, have I got an update for you. Whenever I got up today I checked our email, like always. And to my surprise, an email from our glider lady. And guess what this email contained? Four new pictures of our new little glider. And he is SO pretty. He's seriously like the cutest little boy ever. Come on, I have to say that. But it's not like it's not true or anything. Anyway, I thought I'd share these adorable little pictures with all of you. Hope you enjoy them.
Hey everyone. We just got back from store. I though we'd never make it home. We had to go grocery shopping. We were getting really low on food, lol. We also had to get some honey so that we could make some more Wombaroo. That'll be fun.
Well, that's pretty much all I had to say. Peace...
Hey everyone. Again, I just want to apologise for that hideous blog that I posted last night. I'm very sorry and I hope that never happens again. Anyway, as you can tell from the title, I'm going to be talking about the movie: I Love You Man. We were lucky enough to have Netflix drop it off earlier today. And it was awesome! Paul Rudd and Jason Segel portrayed their characters to a T. I fell in love with I Love You Man. It's one of the best new comedies I've seen in a long time. It'll definitely be one to talk about in the future. I have to give this one a 9.5/10. It was that good.
Hey everyone. I just thought a quickie would do you all some good. Today was such a beautiful day. It was cool out and the lighting was fantastic. We only got to experience the evening, considering we got up at like 5:00, lol. But what light we did see was great. I wish all days were like today. Okay, I'm getting a little freaked out. I hate it when I ramble about the weather. We all know I'm better than that, lol. Anyway, LaVaughn got some pretty cool pictures while I was in the store. There's not a bunch, but enough. Hope you enjoy them...
Well, until next time my peeps. Be cool and take advantage of days like this. Peace...
Song of the day: Long As I Can See The Light by CCR
A lovely little shot of Milla...
Just a cool shot of the steering wheel, lol...
I thought this was such a great picture. The lighting is so awesome...
Seriously, how pretty is this?
Another gorgeous shot...
Uh, so pretty...
A gorgeous side shot of Milla...
I love this, how often does a person get a picture of a fly? So cool...
Here's one up close...
And last, a very cool picture of the dice in our car...
I just want to go ahead and apologise for this creepy ass blog. I'm just not feeling anything that I'm writing right now. Lets hope for a better one in the future...
The Last House on the Left!!! We just got back from Walmart. Thank god they put it out at midnight. We were so stoked when we found out that they would. Well, I really want to watch it, so I guess I'm going to go. Peace bitches...
Song of the day: Sweet Child Of Mine by Taken By Trees
Here's a nice little shot of the DVD for you. This was taken as soon as we got home. It's also very huge, so don't forget to view the full size... :)
Hey everyone. I just wanted to let you know what we were doing yesterday. And guess what that was? Yes, we went back to PetsWay. Our beloved little animal shop. We didn't really get anything other than a little hut to go in our glider cage. We mostly walked around and took pictures. Other than that, we went to Walmart. I think we only got some cat food and a dog bone though. We didn't really get too much now that I think of it. It was mostly just a joyride. The main thing I wanted to tell you about. On the way there, we saw two baby deer. How awesome is that? They were just standing there, in the road. We got like right next to them and they didn't even run. It was so weird. We also got some pretty cool video of it that can be seen on YouTube in a day or two. It was so cool. Then, to finish the night off, we saw a freakin opossum! The neighbor dogs had scared it really bad, so it was curled up in a ball playing opossum, lol. But, that is what they're known for, right? Anyway, we got the dogs away from it long enough for it to get away.
Well, I guess that's all for now. Sorry I didn't have anything good to say. Well, until I do, stay cool peeps...
Song of the day: Ready For Love by Bad Company
One of the baby deer...
Both of the baby deer...
An awesome little gecko...
Ugh... a tarantula.
This little beauty is a Solomon Island Eclectus. So pretty...
This is our old pal, the Macaw. He loves to have his picture taken...
A bundle of snakes...
Another great picture of our little man...
Another shot of the new bird...
This little guy is a Kinkajou...
A peeking corn snake...
On of the corn snake's many bros...
This one had major beef with me, lol...
This pretty little thing is LaVaughn's fave bird in the whole pet store...
Two pretty little blue mask lovebirds...
This guy was kind of grumpy the whole time we were there...
I love this snake. If we didn't have so many little animals in the house, I would have him...
Oh man, I love this bearded dragon. They are by far my fave lizard...
Some of the new cat food we got our girls. It's called Fancy Feast Appetizers. We got one in each flavor...
Hey everyone. I just wanted to share a few pictures with you. We went a little crazy last night and took like a million pictures, but these were the best of the bunch. The girls were being so photogenic last night. Usually they're running around and trying to get on your back or they just wont hold still. So days like this are good picture days. But... anyone who's seen our Kodak folder knows that every day in our house is a good picture day, lol. We love taking pictures. Anyway, hope you enjoy them.
Until next time. Be safe, be courteous, and always be cool...
Song of the day: The Battle Of Evermore by Led Zeppelin
I love this picture of Sadie, it's probably my fave...
Oh man, I love this picture! Kira looks SO cute here!
This is Miss Kira's tail. So long and so pretty...
Another adorable shot of Kira...
And this is Miss Sadie's tail. Also very long and soft...