Well first I'm going to give you a little update on the sugar glider situation. We still haven't got one. We were so tempted to get one from a local pets store (cause they have one female) but thankfully, we refused. But it was so tempting. I'm just getting so sick of PetsWay saying that they'll have one in and then the next minute, they wont. That's why it was so tempting. It would've been a sure thing if the lady hadn't said that it was kind of mean. That's like the main reason we didn't go get it. And that it's like $50 more than what PetsWay charges. That was another factor. I called PetsWay today and talked to a lady and she said that their truck hadn't arrived yet. So I asked her to call if it did. So hopefully we get one tonight or tomorrow. That's about all of the sugar glider news. Oh, we ordered a couple things from a sugar glider site. It's http://gliderconnection.com/glider/. It's a really cool site with loads of cheap stuff. We got a wheel, some strawberry nectar, and some disposable bonding patches all for the low, low price of $10. So extremely cheap. There's also this other site that has loads and loads of different foods and treats for sugar gliders. It's http://www.exoticnutrition.com/. They also have stuff for other animals like hedgehogs and prairie dogs. They're both really cool sites.
Well, the other day we were looking into some gilder bonding pouches. We found a few really cute one, but none that were girly enough. So then LaVaughn was like, "I bet my mom could make us some." so off to her house we went. After we described them to her she seemed pretty confident about making them. So then all we had to do was pick out the material. And thankfully my wonderful aunt is an avid quilt maker, so we had loads of material to choose from. And of course, we found the perfect colors. We had a pink color for the outside, a tan fuzzy inside, an awesome color for the lining around the mesh window and some mesh off of an old cat toy that she had. It was all too perfect. So today, she brought us the finished product. They are so freakin cute. She did a wonderful job. No, wonderful isn't the right word... spectacular! They look so professionally made. And one of the coolest things about them, they're one of a kind. How awesome is that? So here are some pictures of the finished product...
And this is the awesome mesh window with the lining that matches the straps. So awesome.
Ok, now for some movie reviews. Like always, we got some new movies. But these movies aren't super huge or anything. These are just some movies that we find when we aren't looking for anything in particular. The first one is called, Eden Lake. This was one of the coolest movies I've seen in a long time. It was so good. It's about a couple that goes camping. And while they're camping, they run into some trouble making kids. But these aren't your normal bullies of today. These kids are hard core. I'm not going to give you too many details. You'll have to find out more on your own. This is definitely a must see movie. I give it a 8/10. Please, go rent it today. OK, next on my list is Amusement. This wasn't a bad movie. It's mostly about a guy that got bullied as a kid and now he's seeking vengeance. It got pretty good acting in it. One girl that I've seen in more that one good movie. So I think I would give it a 7/10. That seems suitable. Next is Borderline Cult. Please, for the love of everything that's holy, don't watch this movie. It was so not good and oh so cheaply made. If I had to rate this I would give it a 2.5/10. Ok, now for Beyond The Wall Of Sleep. Most of you might know the title from the legendary horror/sci-fi writer, H.P. Lovecraft. Although nothing like the short story, it's a fairly nice take on the cult classic. I think I would give it a 5.5/10. The picture quality wasn't the greatest. Moving on to Session 9. We didn't really finish this one, but it didn't seem like it was going to be too bad. It (like Beyond The Wall Of Sleep) is about a mental hospital. It has a couple actors that I've seen in other movies, so the acting isn't super bad. But the picture quality is a little shaky. So I don't have a whole lot to go on yet. But so far I give it a 6/10. That's all that I have to rate right now. We did get some more new movies Sunday though. We got Hit and Run. Hatchet, and Lakeview Terrace. We've seen Lakeview Terrace, we just hadn't got it yet. For those of you who haven't seen it, it's awesome. But come on, it has Sam Jackson in it. How bad can it be? I'll give it a 8/10. It was super awesome. I said there wasn't anymore ratings, but there was. Sorry about that. I think that's all for now.
Well, well, well. That was a mighty long blog. Hope all of you awesome rockers enjoyed it. Until next time. Be cool and rock on!
Song of the day: Lola by The Kinks