Okay, I believe I'm FAR past due for an update. So much as happened, yet so little. I will try to keep cats out of this post, but I know that'll be impossible and one point, so you're just going to have to deal. I've also just realized that I posted 3 times in May, all bad news posts, so I'm going to have TWO whole months to recap. I hope you're ready for a good read. Oh, I'm also going to do things a little differently this time and post pictures of what I'm talking about under a certain paragraph so that they're not all jumbled up at the bottom.
Okay, lets jump back to the beginning of May...
In one small section of sugar glider news, we had two gorgeous Black Beauty girls come OOP on non other than Cinco de Mayo! Both super dark and of course, super gorgeous. Thankfully it didn't take these two long to find a forever home up in Iowa. We're actually planing on meeting their new mommy next Wednesday or Thursday all the way up in Columbia, MO! She was entirely new to gliders and did everything right. She's planing on feeding OHPW, she got an awesome wheel and even a DCN cage! Can you say spoiled??
This is Petunia.
This is Pansy.
I can't remember if I blogged about it or not (it's been that long), but I custom ordered a couple custom Lucille's. They're basically a micro form of Negan's barbed bat from The Walking Dead. Any fan should know what I'm talking about. Well they arrived on the 10th of May and they look amazing! I was so shocked by the quality, they exceeded my expectations! I'm hoping to order something else from her in the very near future.
Amazing artwork on the package.
LaVaughn's is upfront.
Mine is in the back (and slightly larger).
On the 14th of May I FINALLY got my hands on Penny and Woodbury Walker! For those of you that don't know what those are, they belong to series 4 of The Walking Dead Funko POP! set. They're two of the retired POPs that are super hard to come by. I'm very, VERY thankful to add them to my collection.
Penny on the left, Woodbury on the right.
Lets zip on up to May 21st where I was then able to add Maggie to my every growing POP! collection. She's also a retired POP that belongs to series 4, just like the above two. I'm not too happy with the amount of money that I spend on these 3 POPs, but they're nothing on some of the POPs that are up in the $300+ range.
Isn't she lovely!? :D
Like I stated in my previous post, we've pretty much been on the edge of our seats non-stop. My nerves are shot and my anxiety has been through the roof. I've considered Xanax, but I absolutely despise taking medicine that's a grade above Tylenol or Aleve. With that being said, I have found a new love for wine. I've always loved wine, but I would just stick to reds. LaVaughn and I got adventurous and decided to try white wine for the first time. This is where I found my new love for Moscato. I swear, it's like sipping little drops of heaven each time. Hands down my absolute favorite wine to date!
Here's our trio of new wines.
Let's zip on up to the 2nd of June where we welcomed not one, but two new additions. Ginny and Norman had their first two joeys come OOP. A beyond gorgeous Rintail Mosaic girl and a True Platinum Mosaic boy. I'm over the moon with excitement about this, because there's a 97% chance Norman is a Mocistic now, seeing as how they had a mosaic and a TPM the first time around. We've decided to name these beauties Nanook and Nymeria. I haven't received a deposit on Nanook yet, but I am talking with a lady that's 99% sure she wants him. Yay and fingers crossed!
This is Nymeria.
And this is Nanook.
Not only did I add a few new Walking Dead POPs to our collection, but I added a Supernatural one as well. I was able to snag Castiel as Steve for the low, low price of $8. A tad under that, I believe. Now I need Bobby, Charlie, 2 Crowleys, and 4 Castiels. :D
Isn't he cute?
My aunt celebrated her $@ birthday on the 6th of this month. It just so happened to take place the same day we had to drop Zoe off at the vet for her surgery, which completely sucked. We didn't even get her anything this year, just a card and some money. LaVaughn made her a really nice looking orange cake that she most definitely approved of, but it still didn't seem like much of a birthday.
It had decorations, but this was the best picture.
Long before Zoe's health problems I ordered a new Walking Dead PS4 cover. I ordered corresponding red analog covers, as well as red silicone covers for the controllers. Ever since we got our PS4 I've been wanting to buy a can of "air" to clean it out. Well, since we got the cover for the console, analogs, and controllers, I thought I would fulfill my dream and get a damn can of air. Our silicone covers arrived the day we got to pick Zoe up from the vet, so it was pretty much perfect. And I have to say, our PS4 has not looked cooler.
This resembles the comic to a T. I love it.
Our controllers aren't the exact red that we needed, but close enough.
And I just love the analog covers.
We've also watched several new movies lately. The Boy (not very good), Gods of Egypt (pretty awesome), The Witch (loved it), Dirty Grandpa (hated it), 10 Cloverfield Lane (way better than I thought), and most importantly, Deadpool. I haven't loved a movie this much in, well I honestly can't remember. I LOVE this movie. We rented it back to back and then made the plunge and bought it. Best. Purchase. Ever! This led us to our next movie obsession, The X-Men movies! We watched the first two years back, but never watched the last one or any of the new ones. Out of all the new ones we only watched X-Men Origins: Wolverine. We lucked out an found them all in 2 and 3 packs at Walmart for like $10 each, so we snagged them and then watched them all in chronological order. Aside from Deadpool, I can't say enough amazing things about First Class and Days of Future Past.
These were the first ones we bought.
Then this. I really didn't care for The Wolverine at all.
And the classics, of course.
While I'm on the subject of buying things, we stumbled across a rare gem at Walmart a couple weeks ago when we took aunt Sharon to the doctor. Right there in the game case sat Dead Island The Definitive Edition on PS4. It's basically the original games remastered. And surprisingly enough, it wasn't $60! I'm just now starting to play it, but I haven't had much time for gaming due to all the movies we've been watching. Still, amazing find.
Love the split picture!
What we acquired on the 19th of this month took my by surprise. Ellie and Oliver welcomed their second little boy. Wait for it... a BFBB boy!! I still cannot believe it! He looked dark when he was hanging OOP, but I had no idea he would be a BFBB. It's amazing. And Ellie hoarded him for so long he came OOP with his eyes open! He also weighed in at 17 grams -- big boy. We've named this adorable little boy Gendry.
Isn't he a peach!
Ever since we found out Zoe had FIV, we started looking into a higher quality diet. Something without grains and with a LOT of fresh fruits and veggies and lots of protein. After researching Blue Buffalo and similar foods, we decided on Acana. It's made with all natural ingredients and absolutely no grains. It's like 75% wild caught meat and 25% fruits and vegetables. Or maybe it's the other way around? Anyways, it's amazing food and the cats love it. It is, however, very expensive. One 15 pound bag will last Zoe and Una well over a month, which is great.
It came vacuum sealed with free 2-day shipping. O.o
I know this next bit isn't super exciting. Well, it's exciting to me, so I'm going to blog about it. Did I ever mention that I lost my turtle necklace? Well the charm, not the chain. I lost it a couple months back and have never been able to find it. LaVaughn surprised me last week with a brand new one. It's slightly larger than the last and far more colorful -- I adore it! I'm lost without a necklace, I've been that way for over 5 years now. It's strange, I never wore necklaces my entire life and now I don't feel complete without one. Thanks again, LaVaughn! <3 p="">3>
Isn't it gorgeous?
Last Wednesday we took my aunt to the doctor in Cape. Well we always have time to burn over there and we usually pass that time by hitting up the stores, the mall included. Well there were LOTS of sales last week and we hit every single one. Well, Charlotte Russe and Old Navy, so that's not so bad. We also hit up Target, Walmart and what this paragraph is all about, Hot Topic and what we found there. I'm sure you know by now I'm an avid POP! collector, so when I saw a Walking Dead exclusive, I had to have it! We were able to find Bitten Tyreese, which is a Hot Topic exclusive! Score!! And for just $12.50! Now if I could get my hands on Riot Gear Glenn.

On the 25th of this month we added 8 new baby chicks to our brood. Two are in their "tween" stage and can mingle with the rest of the chickens, 2 are slightly younger than that and still have to live in a smaller enclosure away from the big chickens and the other 4 are just a few weeks old. I tried to get some decent pictures of them all Monday, but it's so dark in the chicken coop it was just impossible. One of the two older chicks ventures out among the rest of the flock. She's the one I was able to get pictures of.
Isn't she pretty?
Now I'm going to venture from the photo-grid and fill you in on random happenings that can't be photographed or haven't been photographed yet...
Okay, I know I said I wasn't going to talk about cats -- or at least try not to -- but I kinda have to bring this up. A young black and white cat showed up at our place a couple weeks ago. It's a boy, he was super skittish at first, but has since warmed up, he was loaded in ticks, he was skin and bones and most importantly, he's the sweetest and most appreciative cat I've ever met! You can tell he's been abused his whole life, but that's not a worry anymore. We're going to take him to the vet in a week or so for a check-up, combo test, shots, and a neuter appointment. Oh, we've named him Hamilton and I will try my best to get pictures next week.
Lets see, what else... Well, work has been going good (knock wood). I feel I'm the most trusted employee there anymore, seeing as how I'm the only one who can close aside from the owners. I have a key and know the security codes -- no one else has this pleasure. It's a big responsibility, but it's one I'm proud to have. I'm STILL not used to getting up early on Sundays to open. That's going to take months to get accustomed to.
We're skipping out 4th Of July celebration this year due to the "Pritchett Family Reunion" on the 9th of next month. A lot of money is invested in the 4th and since SO much is going into the reunion that my aunt and a distant family are planing, we've decided against two big, expensive events this year. Fine by me, the 4th wasn't very enjoyable last year, so I'm happy we're not doing anything. I would never tell my aunt, due to the fact that she's so excited about this, but I'm not even remotely looking forward to the reunion this year. 1) We've never had a reunion before. 2) None of the family on our side is going to show. 3) It's going to be sweltering. 4) I simply don't like people. I'm being petty, yes I know, but I can't help myself. On the other hand, it may turn out to be an overall enjoyable experience that I'll love. Who knows!
I guess I'll end it there. Not too much else to talk about -- at least nothing that I can remember? Anyways, I'll try to keep things updated from now on, but that's in no way a promise. Until nest time...