We were all giddy with excitement this morning, as we have been for the past few mornings, cause we've been expecting our Stealth Wheels to come any day. Well, after we got the mail and no package, we lost interest... again. A little after that, we got an email from the wheel lady saying that she took the package down to the post office, but they wouldn't send them because she had put two priority boxes together or something. Anyway, she said that she would pick a box up tonight and have her husband mail it before the weekend. I know, awesome. So it looks like we wont be getting our wheels until next week. That blows, but at least she told us.
But I'm not going to let that little mishap distract me from posting something exciting. That's right, gotta keep the peeps happy. So, there's a lovely little picture at the bottom of this post with your name written all over it. Enjoy...
Love & Peace
Song of the day: Mad World by Gary Jules
Lack of reviews?
Some of you may or may not have noticed that it's been months since I've posted a movie review. Every time I even think about doing one, I get exhausted. I don't know why, I guess I'm going through something and I just can't process something that would actually sound good. And I have SO many backed up that I need to do, but I can't. I'll probably sit down one day and do them all... maybe. Anyway, I hope no one's too upset about the ordeal, but I just can't put myself through a review right now.
Hope that wasn't your favorite part of my blog. Peace...
Song of the day: I Can't Explain by Scorpions
Hope that wasn't your favorite part of my blog. Peace...
Song of the day: I Can't Explain by Scorpions
The Stealth Wheel

Until then, keep ridin dirty...
Love & Peace
Song of the day: Slow Ride by Foghat
Just some videos...
Hey all. Just thought I'd share a couple videos of our rats running around in the bathroom. They're nothing special, kind of boring, but still cute. So enjoy!
Love & Peace
Song of the day: The Dope Show by Marilyn Manson
Love & Peace
Song of the day: The Dope Show by Marilyn Manson
Earlier today our breeder emailed us pictures of her new ringtail mosaic joey, Grayson. As we read the rest of the email, we saw where she told us how much he would be on her site to the general public, $500. Which was a steal by the way. But then we saw our price for him... $350!! I couldn't believe my eyes. I was so excited, I almost cried. We emailed her back as fast as we possibly could telling her we were pretty positive that we wanted him. Long story short, we're getting a ringtail mosaic!! How freakin awesome is that! If it wasn't for out unbelievably out of this world breeder, it would never have happened. She's rocks to the highest!
So, here's our future little man, Grayson (temp name of course)...
Song of the day: Dream Weaver by Gary Wright
I don't think I ever mentioned that we're not going to be able to get Meko. We found that out like way over a week or so ago. We were sad at first, but I guess it was for the best...
He's got a pretty dark coat right now. Hopefully that and his rings will lighten up as he gets older...
So, here's our future little man, Grayson (temp name of course)...
Song of the day: Dream Weaver by Gary Wright
I don't think I ever mentioned that we're not going to be able to get Meko. We found that out like way over a week or so ago. We were sad at first, but I guess it was for the best...
Great back foot shot and a little bit of the tail...
Our opossum friend is starting to make a habit of coming up to our door around 1:00 in the AM. Not that I mind, I'm just afraid the psycho neighbor dogs will attack him one night when we don't know about it. He was here just a little bit ago and had a snack of bread and chips. And... he was her last night too! It's usually always the same time every night. He's starting to figure out that we'll feed him and make sure the dogs to attack him. He's one smart opossum. I wonder if he'll be here tomorrow night too?
Until then, go find your own opossum to feed. Peace...
Song of the day: Lady Rose by Mungo Jerry
Until then, go find your own opossum to feed. Peace...
Song of the day: Lady Rose by Mungo Jerry
Guess who's back?
You guessed it! Our opossum friend decided to come back yet again. Except this time, he wasn't standing by the door. The poor little guy got trapped in a trash bag, lol. We wasn't sure if he was actually trapped, or if he was just scared and didn't want to come out yet. So, we didn't mess with him too much at first. Then, we noticed that we had a couple left over sandwiches, so we decided to feed them to him. He was hesitant to eat them at first, then he swallowed them. After his snack, we figured he'd go on his marry way, but he didn't. That's when we realized he was stuck. LaVaughn went in the house and got something to free him with, I can't remember what it was though. Anyway, she cut him free and off he went.
That's pretty much all. Until next time. Love, Peace & Weiner Grease...
Song of the day: Can't Fight This Feeling by REO Speedwagon
That's pretty much all. Until next time. Love, Peace & Weiner Grease...
Song of the day: Can't Fight This Feeling by REO Speedwagon
A fun Dam morning...
We've been hitting the park/dam a lot lately, so I decided to take some pics today. It was pretty cloudy, so the pictures aren't the best ones ever, but they're nice. So, rock on and enjoy...
Song of the day: Symphony Of Destruction by Megadeath
Song of the day: Symphony Of Destruction by Megadeath
This has kind of that Sleepy Hallow vibe.
Guess who was at our door a little bit ago?
Well, it wasn't anyone we knew personally. It was our marsupial friend, the opossum. Yup, a opossum. I was just sitting there watching TV, then I heard what I thought was the neighbors dogs digging in the trash can. So I got up and opened the door to scare them away, and to my surprise, there was a opossum looking me right in the eyes like we had known each other for years. I automatically ran and grabbed the camera so I could have photographic evidence for everyone to see. When I got back to the door, I noticed the opossum, we'll call him Stewie for now, I noticed Stewie looking over towards the neighbors. And of course, it was their dogs. They came running down there and ran right up in Stewie's face. They scared him so bad, he fell off the porch. I was screaming at them the entire time trying to get them to leave, but oh no. By the end of everything, poor Stewie was curled up in the yard doing was opossums do best, playing opossum. So, I had to drag the dogs up to the car and keep them in long enough for Stewie to get away.
So after about an hour of dogs, yelling, and trapping, Stewie finally got to get away and the dogs played no part in it. I say it was a win - win.
Song of the day: You Can't Always Get What You Want by The Rolling Stones
So after about an hour of dogs, yelling, and trapping, Stewie finally got to get away and the dogs played no part in it. I say it was a win - win.
Song of the day: You Can't Always Get What You Want by The Rolling Stones
Ahh, he looks so evil here, lol...
Our rats are seriously so awesome. We've had them for like 4 days and they're already nicer that half the animals in our house. Along with their sweetness, they're also very photogenic. So, here are some new/better pics of our ratties. Enjoy...
Song of the day: Rock'n'Roll Fantasy by Bad Company
This is their pool. Very classy...
This is Reed, testing the water...
Song of the day: Rock'n'Roll Fantasy by Bad Company
Gavin, having a snack of bread...
Reed, also having a snack of bread...
And lastly, Gavin getting ready for a nap...
Some of their best yet...
Well, Sam and Dean are now 6 weeks OOP (out of pouch). It wont be too much longer before they'll be ready for their new home. Sam already has one lined up, but Dean's still waiting. We have no problem keeping him a bit longer though. These little guys just keep getting prettier and prettier as they get older...
Well, that's pretty much all I had to say today. Until next time, keep rockin!
Love & Peace
Song of the day: Sweet Emotion by Aerosmith
Well, that's pretty much all I had to say today. Until next time, keep rockin!
Love & Peace
Song of the day: Sweet Emotion by Aerosmith
And this is Sam.
Not so sad anymore...
The day before yesterday, we were discussing getting a couple rats. Some that were a little less on the wild side, lol. So, we called around to all the pet stores and they all had rats. At the time, we were wanting females, but of course, none of the pet places knew what they were. So we decided to go check them out for ourselves and our first stop was a win. We went right to the cages and there they were, two beautiful black and white rats. We asked the guy working if we could hold/look at them, and he said yes. So after he got them out, we noticed that they were boys. That didn't really matter after we actually held them in our hands, lol. We were there less than 5 minutes and walked out with both boys.
They are seriously so sweet. We've only had them a little over a day and they're already nicer than John Rambo and Hollis, both of which we've had for over two years. They're pretty much awesome.
Well, I guess that's all for now...
Love & Peace
Song of the day: This Is Halloween by Marilyn Manson
They are seriously so sweet. We've only had them a little over a day and they're already nicer than John Rambo and Hollis, both of which we've had for over two years. They're pretty much awesome.
Well, I guess that's all for now...
Love & Peace
Song of the day: This Is Halloween by Marilyn Manson
And this little cutie is Reed.
What a sad, ratless day...
Well, we decided to let our rat go today. He had escaped from his cage 4 times last night, so we thought he might be ready to go. We took him to the place where we used to swim a lot. There's like endless trees, loads of water, and very few houses. He seemed uber happy to get out of his cage. He took off and didn't look back, lol. I'm just glad he didn't die on us, that's blows.
Well, until the next animal needs rescuing, keep rockin!
Love & Peace
Song of the day: Time For Me To Fly by REO Speedwagon
Well, until the next animal needs rescuing, keep rockin!
Love & Peace
Song of the day: Time For Me To Fly by REO Speedwagon
Here he is...
It's been so long...
It seems like we never go to Poplar Bluff anymore just for the heck of it. A lot of that could be due to the way we're sleeping. So yesterday, I ended up having to get up at like 3:00 pm and do something. I was done around 5 and thought I would wake LaVaughn up and see if she wanted to go see The Crazies. So naturally, she did. While she was getting ready, I looked up the showings. One was for 6:40 and the other was for 9:20. Of course, we wanted to see the late show, so we had plenty of time to hit PetsWay and Hasting's.
Well, we get to PetsWay at about 6:20 and end up staying until about 7:10 or so. During this time, we end up with a toy for Milla and... a dwarf rabbit. Well, not really, but almost. They had about 5 of them in the back where they used to keep the puppies. At the time, we're really digging the thought of have a rabbit again. So we go look at cages, food, ect. Then we actually get to talk to a so called worker (who doesn't know shit about animals) about the rabbit. And when he mutters the words, they get just as big as normal rabbits, we begin to back off. We decided to go ahead and leave cause the place was getting ready to close and creepier by the minute.
Then we get to Hasting's, our home away from home. The first thing we do is look at the sales that are going on. And to our surprise, it was still the same. How long can they actually run "Buy 2 get the 3rd for a $1."? Not saying that's not a good deal, but come on people, what happen to the 3rd movie being a penny? Anyway, we look around and within 10 minutes, we have bout 9 movies clutched in out greedy hands. Then we started going through them and end up with 3. Not too bad, eh? So, we look at the clock and see that it's 10 till 8. So, we decided to leave. We walked out with:
1) A Perfect Getaway
2) Saw 6
3) The Hangover
Then we decide to head to the theater and wait it out. I know, over and hour to wait. So, we get there and notice that there wasn't too many people. So we decided to check out the showing to see if there's any sooner. As we drive by, we notice that the last showing was at... wait for it... 7:30!! We were SO pissed. For one, their website has a big ass miss print, but we missed the last showing by like 20 minutes!
So, we were like screw this and decided to go ahead and grab some Taco Bell (which wasn't the best) and head on home.
All in all, it was a nice trip, we just didn't get to see the movie we wanted. Oh well, better luck next time. But until then, keep rockin!
Love & Peace
Song of the day: One by Metallica
Well, we get to PetsWay at about 6:20 and end up staying until about 7:10 or so. During this time, we end up with a toy for Milla and... a dwarf rabbit. Well, not really, but almost. They had about 5 of them in the back where they used to keep the puppies. At the time, we're really digging the thought of have a rabbit again. So we go look at cages, food, ect. Then we actually get to talk to a so called worker (who doesn't know shit about animals) about the rabbit. And when he mutters the words, they get just as big as normal rabbits, we begin to back off. We decided to go ahead and leave cause the place was getting ready to close and creepier by the minute.
Then we get to Hasting's, our home away from home. The first thing we do is look at the sales that are going on. And to our surprise, it was still the same. How long can they actually run "Buy 2 get the 3rd for a $1."? Not saying that's not a good deal, but come on people, what happen to the 3rd movie being a penny? Anyway, we look around and within 10 minutes, we have bout 9 movies clutched in out greedy hands. Then we started going through them and end up with 3. Not too bad, eh? So, we look at the clock and see that it's 10 till 8. So, we decided to leave. We walked out with:
1) A Perfect Getaway
2) Saw 6
3) The Hangover
Then we decide to head to the theater and wait it out. I know, over and hour to wait. So, we get there and notice that there wasn't too many people. So we decided to check out the showing to see if there's any sooner. As we drive by, we notice that the last showing was at... wait for it... 7:30!! We were SO pissed. For one, their website has a big ass miss print, but we missed the last showing by like 20 minutes!
So, we were like screw this and decided to go ahead and grab some Taco Bell (which wasn't the best) and head on home.
All in all, it was a nice trip, we just didn't get to see the movie we wanted. Oh well, better luck next time. But until then, keep rockin!
Love & Peace
Song of the day: One by Metallica
Why must I be so nice?
Not 2 hours ago, I got to save a tiny little life. I was just standing outside, minding my own business when Sid, our tree cat, came walking towards me with something hanging out of his mouth. So naturally, I went to see what it was. And to my surprise, a baby mole. At the time, I thought it was dead, so I just looked the other way. Then, I saw movement. So I ran over to it to see how hurt it was, and to my surprise, not too bad. Then I grabbed the closest thing to me and quickly scooped the poor little guy up before Sid got another claw in. So then I took him in the bathroom and put him in a little cage away from the cats. After LaVaughn got up, I told her what had happened. She went in the bathroom for a quick look, only to find out that our baby mole wasn't a mole at all, it was a baby rat. Yes, I said rat. He is so extremely cute, I'm going to hate to free him, but, I don't like to keep things caged that were once free. So, in a couple days, we'll take him about 10 miles away from out house and let him go.
That's all for now. Love and peace bitches...
Song of the day: Sad But True by Metallica
That's all for now. Love and peace bitches...
Song of the day: Sad But True by Metallica
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