It's a blessing and a curse that I inherited the need to save ad grow every seed that crosses my path. My grandma was the same way - I got my green thumb from her. Since my sister and I both work in healthcare and are around a couple other people every single week that probably aren't as paranoid as we are about germs, we take it upon ourselves to nearly kill our stomach linings with large amounts of acidic liquid. And by that I mean boiled lemons in water.
This is something we did way back and I swear, we didn't get sick all winter that year. We boiled an entire bag of lemons and refrigerated them overnight and drunk the concoction the next day. I haven't been boiling the entire bag at once, but I do 5-6 lemons at a time, 2-3 times a week.
Now that you have the backstory that may or may not have been needed, you now know why I have lemon seeds to begin with.
I saved 6 seeds a few weeks ago in hopes of planting them. I figured 6 was a good number, because I wanted to have at least 2 trees to plant. So my surprise, all but one sprouted and the 6th one is on the brink of sprouting. I planted them all in eco pots Friday, but for some reason I didn't include those in Friday's post, no clue why. I have them under a UV light now, but I'd like to get a plant heating mat from Amazon, because it'll be used even after the lemon trees are done. I suppose we'll see.
So now you can expect lots of included photos of my lemon sprouts throughout the next few months. Unless they don't make it, of course, but hopefully they will.
Here are a few pics from Friday: