Missing! Disparu!
Before you all cosy up in bed thinking that all the terror and madness of Halloween is over. Well... think again. We just found out not too long ago that our uncles wife is... missing! Yea, missing. And on Halloween of all days. We were like, "What!" So naturally, we agreed to go look for her. Well, that was a no go. We went like 20 miles in each direction looking until we could look no more. We have no idea where she is. It's so weird, she left at like 10:00 this morning and has yet to be heard from.
Well, I'll keep you all updated on this as it progresses.
Until then, have a Happy Halloween. Well, what's left of it anyway. Peace...
Well, it looks like little Miss Lolita got a little home sick and decided run home to mommy. My aunt got a call from the runaway about 6:00 in the AM saying that she made it to her mom's house all the way in NC. She didn't even give us so much as a why come. I guess she got sick of skanking it up around here and felt the need to skank it up in anoter state. Oh well, one less mouth to feed. Peace...
Happy Halloween!
Well, hopefully all your little baskets are filled with lots of blood and guts on this Halloween day.
Until next time, love, peace, and wiener grease...
Song of the day: Black No. 1 by Type O Negative
Cats, gliders, and Jake?
Well, Wednesday night we were sitting here talking about how much we wanted to see Jake (my little bro). So, we called my mother and asked to talk to him. Well, he was gone at the time, but was going to call us when
More reviews...
Drag Me To Hell
Ok, this was possibly one of the most talked about horror movies to hit theaters in a decade. But, was it really all that? Not to us it wasn't. Yea, it had good intentions. But I couldn't get passed some of "spoof like" scenes. It's what I like to call "serious horror". It may be a big hit for some of you, but not so much here. I'd give it a 6.5/10
Wrong Turn 3
Ok, anyone who's seen the first two should pretty much know what this one's going to be about. A bunch of people getting killed by inbreds that live in the woods. It's all good stuff and good times here. This kind of movie is what I like to call "simple horror". You don't have to think about what you're watching when you watch a Wrong Turn movie. That's the kind of horror I like. I give it a 7/10.
The Hills Run RedIf it wasn't for the guy at the movie store, we never would've rented this. But for once, I'm glad we did. It's one of those "under the radar" type movie that end up being pretty cool. This movie is like any other classic woods themed movies. Full of blood and rednecks. It's definitely worth the watch. I give it a 7.5/10.
Land of the LostNow for something a little more cheerful. This move was pretty good. It's one of Will Ferrell's best new comedy's. But, we mostly got it for Danny McBride. That guy is so funny. He and LaVaughn were like separated at birth, lol. All in all, it's worth the watch. All I have to say is, do you believe in life after love? I give it a 7.5/10.
My Bloody Valentine
Ok, I know this came out oh so long ago, but it never looked that good to us. So, we decided to give it a try. We only got to watch about half, but what we watched was pretty damn good. I definitely want to rent it again. So until then, I can't give it a proper rating. Sorry...
Song of the day: Champagne & Reefer by Muddy Waters
Click the movie title to see the trailer!
Movie reviews...
The Thaw
This movie was ok, considering it's Ghost House standard. They tried to give the movie good publicity by getting well know actor, Val Kilmer and not so know, Aaron Ashmore (one of the reasons we got it in the first place) to star in it. Although the movie isn't bad, it's just not my favorite kind. So, if you have a love for Mr. Kilmer, then you should probably got to your closest movie depot and pick it up. I give this a 6/10.
Year One
Ok, all I have to say is, Jack Black and Michael Cera. That right there should give you the motivation you need to go pick this up. Yea, maybe some of the movie is completely out there but, it keeps you entertained and makes you laugh. And I don't know about you, but that's what I look for in a Comedy. If I want something realistic, I'll watch a Drama or something of equal caliber. So, if you like either of the two fabulous actors that I listed above, you'll want to see this. And even if you don't, you should watch it anyway. I give this a 8.5/10.
Dark Country
This is Thomas Jane's attempt at a "Sin City" style movie. Although not quite that high up on the movie radar, it wasn't that bad. Now, it's no Sin City, but it was a nice try. Not only does Thomas Jane direct this movie, he also stars in it. Along side Lauren German who we all know from Hostel Part 2. So, if you really dig Sin City, then you'll probably have a soft spot for this movie. I give it a 6.5/10.
Well, that's all I have for now. Hope you enjoyed. Until next time, keep watching movies and rocking out. Peace...
Song of the day: Down With The Sickness by Richard Cheese
Click the movie title to see the trailer!
Possibly the greatest picture ever...
Well, that's all for now. Until next time, see you on the other side. Peace...
Song of the day: Eagle Rock by Daddy Cool
Sleeping Beauties...
Well, that's pretty much all I have to say. I know, very boring. I'm sorry, hopefully before too long I can actually compose a decent blog that appeals to all my readers. Until then, rock hard. Cause after all, it is Rocktober...
Song of the day: Eagle Rock by Daddy Cool
Vanilla Sky...
I'm pleased to announce, Chazz & Pip...
Ok, enough of me being creepy. I just wanted to show everyone our two little boy gliders. They are SO cute and SO sweet. The difference between the boys and the girls is amazing. They are so much nicer than what the girls were. They already sleep in our hands. How awesome is that!
Well, that's pretty much all I hat to say. So, sit back and enjoy the pictures. Until next time, see you on the other side. Peace...
Song of the day: Shambala by Three Dog Night
A month of gliders...
Until next time, see you on the other side. Peace...
Song of the day: Love Song by Tesla
Again, they're huge. So be sure to look at the full size...
Arkansas Alligator Farm...
Oh yea, they're HUGE. So be sure to look at the full size...
I know the last two aren't of the Alligator Farm, but I didn't want to do a whole other post on just two pics...
Oh yea, sorry no tags, didn't have time. Peace...