Since we love any and all Rob Zombie films, including his remake of Halloween, we just knew that we would like this. That's why we didn't hesitate to just buy it before we watched it. So we went to Walmart Monday night and waited on it's release. And after having the Walmart worker hand deliver it to me in another isle, we quickly hurried home to watch. And I have to say, it's pretty awesome. Naturally, Mr. Zombie put it usual grungy twist on it. Though I have to say, it doesn't trump the first one. Don't let that stop you from renting it though, it's very good. So, what are you doing still sitting there? Get your ass up and go rent it. I give it a 8/10.
Song of the day: Black Sunshine by White Zombie
Also... we rented and watched The Final Destination yesterday, so expect a review on it too!
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