Graveyard fun...

Today I had the pleasure of having to get the tags renewed on our car. I'm sure most of you know how this goes: Inspection, Insurance, Something Else and of course, money. Well, while I was waiting on the mechanic to get back to inspect the car, I decided to go check out the local cemetery that was just down this road a ways. So I get there, have a look around and realise that this graveyard looks an awful lot like the one on Night of the Living Dead (1990). I thought that was awesome an decided to take a few pics. I ended up with like 15 pics, cause I only had like 10 minutes to wait on the mechanic, but they turned out pretty nicely.

When I go to graveyards, I like to have time to look around and find the really old and creepy looking headstones and get some pictures of them. Unfortunately, I couldn't do that today. Oh well, I got a pretty nice turn out.

Well, I hope you enjoyed another one of my meaningless blogs. Unfortunately that's all the time I have today. We're getting ready to watch Legion and or Daybreakers. Not sure which one we'll start out with. Anyway, until next time, love and peace...


Song of the day: House Of The Rising Sun by The Animals

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