We're home...

Hey again. We decided to head home today, we were getting a little homesick and wanting to see all our little animals. We had a good time though. It's always fun when we got to Hot Springs. I guess the fact that we get a new glider each time has something to do with it, but I'd go even if we didn't.

I didn't take 50,000 pictures this time. There was no sense in taking pictures of the same things again. So this time, I decided to get a couple videos. Like the drive down there, Little Rock, a guy in a cowboy outfit, the drive back and some people getting pulled over by the cops. Not "edge of your seat" stuff, but still good. We would've got some video of an actual hooker in downtown Hot Springs, but we left the damn camera at the hotel. Oh well, better luck next time.

Anyway, not too much else to talk about right now so I guess I'll go. Until next time, love and peace...


Song of the day: Rainbow In The Dark by Dio

Unfortunately, one of rock legends has passed away. RIP Dio, keep rockin!

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