Full Moon State Of Mind

 The moon was so bright last night. With it being 100% illumination, it's pretty obvious as to why. I love full moons on clear nights, especially in the wintertime. The sky always looks so much more crisp and clear. It's really too bad the Milky Way isn't visible in the winter months, it would make for some amazing photos.

Last night was the perfect opportunity for me to test out my new tripod on my telephoto lens. I can usually get hand held shots of the moon, but only with a high ISO. I prefer a slower shutter speeds when taking pictures of the sky, but shooting with a shutter of around 400 and an ISO around 1200 works just as well.

Of course, I took a couple dozen photos, but narrowed it down to just 4 clear shots. I also cropped them all as my tele only going to 300mm. Hope you enjoy!

PS... My uncles knee surgery was today and everything went great!

Here's the gorgeous full moon on March 5th, 2023.

I need a longer telephoto.

I should just get a mount for my telescope - way cheaper.

That stupid logo of mine is all over the place. I forgot that I cropped these pictures, so the resolution is different in each one. Classy.

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