Pritchett Family Reunion 2016

I think I'm long past due on our family reunion recap. I'm what, 11 days shy of 2 weeks? It's been a while, that much I know. I'm not going to put unto words how I felt about this flop of a reunion, so I'm going to keep my mouth shut and let you visualize the reunion through a fraction of the photos that I took.

I took well over 300 pictures, but have cut it down to a mere 25 -- aren't you proud of me?? I could have added more, but I really didn't feel like uploading that many. Anyways, if you would like to see the rest of the pictures, feel free to look at them on Facebook. You'll only be able to see them if we're friends, or if we have mutual friends. So, here we go...

Pritchett Family Reunion 2016

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