See you soon, baby chicks...

We've been on the lookout for people with fertilized eggs for weeks now! Well last night, I found a lady from Annapolis that was getting 4 dozen eggs a day! I gave her a call yesterday and asked if she would sell a couple dozen for the incubator. And as I'm sure you figured out, she said yes! My lovely little auntie fixed everything up and put them in the incubator. So... in 21 days we should have some baby chicks to welcome to the brood! I'm SO excited. Oh yeah, they'll Rhode Island Reds or Leghorns I believe.

Love & Peace


Here are the photos:

 Farm fresh eggs!

I hate the coloring here.

Look how many potential baby chicks we have!

The incubator.

Eggs in the incubator.

More eggs!

All snug in their new bed.

The creepy moon.

I could not get a decent shot to save my life! I didn't have a stabilized place for the camera and didn't even try to mess with the exposure.

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