The 3 hour juice cleanse...

Ever heard of the 3 hour juice cleanse? That probably because there's no such thing. A couple weeks ago LaVaughn looked into a 7 day cleanse -- 2 day of only juice... Yikes! Well she talked my aunt into doing it with her, so my aunt bought loads of fruits and veggies today to kick-start their cleanse. My aunt only had one small cup of coffee this morning (you're not supposed to have any!) and two classes of juice.

LaVaughn gave her the rundown of what she could have with dinner, which was baked salmon and either brussels sprouts or broccoli. That's it, nothing more, nothing less. By the time LaVaughn and I woke up, we opted out of our "morning" coffee and instead had a juice blend of oranges, bananas, strawberries, and pomegranate. Sounds good, doesn't it? Well it wasn't, it tasted like crap.

This was at nearly 3.

We both showered and headed to town shortly after for LaVaughn's 5:30 nail salon appointment. We got there at 5ish and they took her in around 5:20. The lady didn't get finished with her for over an hour! That's really the only bad thing I can say, though, she did an awesome job! LaVaughn's nails look amazing!

By the time we left, we were craving limeades and Chinese food -- neither of which we could have. We stopped by Walmart for a minute, then headed to the grocery store to grab some more things for our cleanse. It was there that we decided to opt out of this foolishness and instead of doing the cleanse, just adding juice drinks to our every day diet. It's nearly impossible to do anything healthy in our town. You try finding Swiss chard and kale in a town with a population of less than 1500.

We ended our journey by stopping at Sonic and getting a limeade. Since my poor aunt had to suffer through her day, we decided to pass on Chinese and go home to salmon, which is what we just devoured. Alone with a salad and cottage cheese.

For those of you that have the willpower to juice and go on these week long cleanses, my hat is off to you. For those that are weak and crave nothing more than the salted sweets that are heavily carbed, come join the force, cause we're a force to be reckoned with.

Love & Peace


Pictures from the past two days:

Best truffles ever!

So empty without the tree.

Pics from today:

Completely failed to mention that all of our Joann fleece arrived today.

Adorable stuff, but too much pink.

Cup full of fruit.

Check out those babies!

Here's all the new fleece we got:

The first juice of the day -- also the worst.

Pics from the nail salon:

So.. Many.. Colors!!

Those talons!

I hate this picture of myself, but I was totally rocking my new sweater today. And leggings and boots.

The finished product.

That design is AMAZING! Can you believe she did this by hand??

Our total at Walmart. O.o

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