I know, it's been like forever and a day since I've reviewed any movies. And you know why? Because I haven't watched any lately. But like over a week ago, LaVaughn and me watched some pretty good ones. Lets start with... Hatchet. We got this movie from Hastings on a whim. And I have to say, it was pretty good. It's a slasher comedy, but totally awesome. The effects are great and they were not afraid to use blood. And not to mention, it has Robert Englund (Freddy Kruger), Kane Hodder (Jason Voorhees), and Tony Todd (Candyman) in it. The movie is set in and around New Orleans. It's about a guy called Victor Crawley that was murdered way back in the day and is coming back to seek vengeance. So, make your next flick a slasher comedy and rent this. I think you'll like it. I'm going to give it a 7.5/10. Ok, now for Hit And Run. This was another movie that we just picked up cause it sounded good. All in all, it wasn't too bad. The effects we fairly good, but the picture wasn't the best. Now I''m not saying that it was like The Hamiltons or anything, but it wasn't Titanic level. It's kind of like Creepshow's The Hitchhiker, but then again it's not. Personally, I like The Hitchhiker better. So, if you like that type of movie, then you'll probably like this. I'll give it a 7/10. Ok, last but definitely not least... The Uninvited. I got this movie from RedBox by accident. I thought it was Possession for some reason. No clue how I got the two mixed up. Anyway, it was a great movie. We had seen the preview to it when we seen Quarantine in theaters and thought that it looked good then. But, as the months passed, we forgot about it. But luckily, that's what I rented. I'm not going to go into too many details, cause the slightest thing might give some of it away. I highly recommend that you rent it today. It will so be worth the drive to your nearest DVD depot. I think I'm going to give it a 8.5/10.
Ok, now for the treat. We got a Greenies treat in the mail Monday and Milla loved it. I don't know why she's loving every treat we give her anymore, but she is. We've got her these in the past but she wouldn't dare be in a 5 foot radius of them. But, as soon as I stuck it to her nose, she grabbed it and started going to town on it. So, maybe her taste buds have changed a little or maybe the fine people behind Greenies have added that special ingredient that no dog can resist. Let your dog be the judge.
Well, I guess that's all I have to say for now. Hope you enjoyed it. Until next time...
Song of the day: Sunshine Of Your Love by Cream
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