Well Sunday, we were just sitting around not doing too much. So we thought we'd check our email. LaVaughn was sitting at the desk and I was lying on my bed. Then LaVaughn was like, "Dude, we got like 5 emails from her." (her being the lady we're getting our gliders from). So I like floated up to the computer in amazement of what she said. And can you guess why she sent so many emails? Well, if you have no clue, let me fill you in. She finally sent pictures! We were so stoked. All together, she sent 9. LaVaughn got 5 of hers and I got 4. But I didn't let that get me down. I was thrilled that we finally got some. And they are SO adorable. The pictures made me want them so much more. And the lady was nice enough to ask if we wanted her to put the two girls together when they got old enough. And of course, we said yes. But the downside, they're pretty much identical. She brought that up as well. She said that she would have someone hold one and she would compare the two. Hoping to find a difference between them. After we got the pictures, we decided to do some comparing of our own. And guess what we found? A difference. Their right arms are different. My little one has a stripe down her right arm and LaVaughn's is solid. As soon as we found out we emailed her and asked if she would check it out for us. So, hopefully that works out...
As for today... it was equally awesome. We got our other package of glider stuff in the mail. It's all so awesome. We got out other food dish, some canned snails, some yogurt tropicals, a bag of wombaroo, and last but not least, some bee pollen. And in case some of you don't know what wombaroo is, it's a high protein supplement. You mix honey, water, wombaroo, bee pollen, and 3 eggs together to make an HPW mix. Then you freeze it and serve. Now don't mix all of that together, there's a certain way you have to do it. So, if you can't find it online, feel free to email us (kitty_kats06@yahoo.com) and we'll gladly send you the recipe.
Well, I think that's all that I have for today. Hope you enjoyed it. Until next time... get back in the New York groove and rock & roll all night. Oh, and party everyday! Peace.
Song of the day: Do It Again by Steely Dan
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