Well Wednesday I had to take our grandma to dialysis. And while I was gone, LaVaughn was waiting on PayPal to go through. The lady that we're getting our sugar gliders from needed a $100 deposit on each glider. and this had to be done through PayPal. Anyway, we called and text each other all day. And then finally, I got the call. LaVaughn told me that the money was in there. And as fast as we got it, we sent it. I called her to let her know, but she wasn't home. So I talked to her husband instead. He told me that he would let her know. Then later that night, we got an email from her saying, "Thanks, I got the deposit." we were so stoked. And now on her site (exoticsugargliders.com) it says "Deposit Taken" under our beautiful little gliders.
Ok, lets talk about yesterday. Around 11:30 in the AM, I woke up. But, it wasn't to sunshine and rainbows, it was to a freakin tornado! Well. not literally, but pretty much. The wind was almost blowing us away. But at the time, I didn't think too much of it. I was more worried about the electricity being out than anything else. So around 12:30, LaVaughn got up. We both sat there staring at the wall for like an hour. Then LaVaughn looked at me and was like, " I wonder if we got any of the stuff that we ordered?" so we got up and went outside. And sure enough, there was a big box on our car. Not sure why the mail lady/man puts the packages on our car and not on our porch. But anyway, we got some of the glorious stuff that we ordered from sugar-glider-store.com. It is the best site for sugar supplies. We got some freeze dried mealworms, blueberry and yogurt drops, pineapple and papaya sprinkles, apple wood chew sticks, and a stainless steel food dish that attaches to the side of the cage. It's all so awesome. We ordered more stuff Thursday. So hopefully we get it by Monday. Anyway, back to the blackout. We were in the dark for over 24 hours! It was HORRIBLE. I think I would rather chew my fingers off than have to go through that again. We were so bored. we just sat in the dark all night. Today started out just as sucky. Considering we woke up to no electricity... again. After about 2 hours of sitting around, we decided that we couldn't take it another night. We were going to go stay at a hotel. So I called and made the reservations. We were pretty happy about that. And then, when we were getting ready to go get some stuff, the lights came on. We were SO stoked. Never have I ever been so happy. It was a wonderful feeling. That's about all of that though. I don't like reminiscing too much.
In other news, we got a couple new pictures of our gliders the other day. They're pretty small, but oh so cute. We found then on one of the lady's sites. Hopefully we get some more before too long. The lady said that she would send us some pictures when she got time to take some. so we have that to look forward to. But I thinks that's all about them for now.
Well, this concludes today's blog. Hope you all enjoyed the ups and downs I had to write about. Until next time. You know what to do. Peace
Song of the day: Here Comes The Sun by The Beatles

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