Ash most of you should know, we were supposed to get a sugar glider like almost two weeks ago. And so far, nothing. Well Friday, we said that if PetsWay didn't get any in, we would have to get the one from our local pet store. Well guess what? They didn't get them in. So we said screw PetsWay and decided to go to our pet store. Well, LaVaughn decided to call and ask her to hold it until we got there. But when she did, the lady was like, "Oh sorry, we already sold it." We were so upset. We called like every pet store in a 50 mile radius, but we had no luck. So then after about 15 minutes of us screaming, we decided to leave town for a while. And where did we go... Fredericktown. It's a small little town not far from where we live.
Well when we got there, we decided to go to the City Lake/Park. Luckily, there was no one there. Except down the trail to the water. That's where we really wanted to go. But there was like a load of fisherman there. so we stayed at the Park part. We mostly wanted to take some picture and let Milla walk around for a while. It was a pretty nice day for 10:00 in the morning. So, after we left there, we went to an old ass graveyard there.
When we got there it was starting to get really cloudy and rainy (go figure). But that didn't stop us. We drove around and took a few good pictures. Then we decided to get out and walk to the center of the graveyard and look at this one really old looking headstone. After we got done looking at that, LaVaughn turned around and was like, "There's a dog." So we like ran back to the car. But the dog just looked at us like we were retarded or something. Then it ran off. Then after we left, we decided to go to Farmington.
We mostly went there because there was supposed to be a pet store on the way. well, we never found that, but it was a pretty nice drive... until we got there. Whenever we got into town, they started playing the tornado sirens. That was supper fun. So while those were going off, we decided to get some Arby's and go home.
After we got home and everything, we thought we would try and find a sugar glider breeder close to Missouri. well after about an hour of me looking, I had nothing. Then LaVaughn gave it a shot. So found a place after like 10 minutes. And oh my god, there were two adorable little baby female sugar gliders for sale. The only thing was, they wouldn't be ready until June 2nd. And... they were in Arkansas. And not just over the state line, they were on the other side of Arkansas. Then LaVaughn kept reading and read that the lady shipped! We were so stoked. LaVaughn wrote out this really long and in depth email to the lady asking a few questions. And for some reason, we didn't think it sent. So I decided to call her. Well, she was super nice and answered every question I asked. Then she was like, "When you buy two do the same sex, you get a discount." so that would make the first one $200 and the second $175. Not a huge discount, but that's $25 we get to keep. Then she started telling me about the shipping. She was like, "It's $200 flat rate air shipping." my jaws dropped. Then she was like, "That's the air plane companies policy." then I asked if we could just pick them up, and she was like, "Yea." but then I remembered that they would be ready on different dates. The one I want will be ready May 30th and the one LaVaughn wants will be ready June 2nd. So I asked her if it would be ok to just get them both the 2nd. And she was totally fine with that. Then the super nice lady was like, "After they can leave their mothers, I'll put them together so that they'll get used to each other if that's what you want." and then I was like, "Hell yes that's what I want!" then after that we started discussing the payment. She said that she has to have $200 down and the rest like a week before we come and get them. And thankfully, this will al be done through PayPal. After that we started discussing how to get there. Since were not familiar with AR, we were a little freaked out, but not too much. We looked up directions on and got a pretty good one. Then LaVaughn decided to call her dad and talk to him about the directions. Cause come on, he is a truck driver. And I would trust his directions over It's gong to be like over 350 miles and 6 1/2 hours. It's going to be a long day. But totally worth it. A road trip and two beautiful sugar gliders, all in one day.
What else, oh yea. We painted our kitchen last night. We got the paint and all the supplies like a month ago. We just never got around to it. Then last night around 9:30, we decided to start. And once we started, we didn't want to stop. So 3 1/2 hours and 3 paint coats later, we have a beautiful white kitchen. I'll try and get some pictures of it for you later.
Well, I think that's about all that's happened in the past few days. If anything else happens, I'll let you know. Until next time, stay cool and rock on!
Song of the day: White Wedding by Billy Idol

This was a WWII one. We just had to get this one.
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