Well we got up today all bright eyed and bushy tailed and ready to go. So, after we showered and got everything ready, we left. And since we had to go a town or two over, we had to leave at around 3:00. So, we got there at like 3:40. We sat there and talked for about 10 minutes and then my phone started ringing. It was the gus dad. And what did he have to say? well, he said that he was hung up at work and that he wouldn't be there until around 6:00 or after. He asked if that was ok, and of course, I said yea. So then we waited. It got so boring sitting in the car. So a little before 5:00, we decided to go grocery shopping. We walked around in the store for over 30 minutes and then right before we left, my phone started ringing again. It was the guys dad, again. He was asking how big the cage was and all that good stuff. I guess he was wondering if it would fit in his car. So, by the end of the call he told me that he would just bring a bigger car or whatever. So we though that he would be on his way after he hung up, but oh no. After we got out to the car an parked at our "meeting area", my phone started ringing again! Accept this time, it was a completely different guy. He was saying that he was a friend of the guys dad and that he would be picking the cage up instead. Then he was saying that he would be driving a tan van and that he would be there in 45 MINUTES! We were getting to pissed. But we kept our cool and was super nice about it. So then we waited. The 45 minutes passed fairly quick, but the 10 minutes passed that didn't. I was so mad. Then my stupid phone started ringing again! And of course, it was the guy agin. And this time, he said that they were on their way and it would be about 10 minutes. Oh yea, they changed their ride from a tan van to a black Liberty. They could've been riding a freakin horse for all I cared. I just wanted them to come and get the damn cage. Well finally, he showed up. We were both so releived. We were gone as soon as he handed us the money. It was a horrible experience that hopefully never happens again. But, the whole experience did have some upsides. Well first, we got to take some really great pictures and second, we got to see loads of awesome bikers! And to whom do we owe this pleasure? To the great people behind the 69th annual sturgis rally. Every year around this time you start seeing loads and loads of bikers. It's one of my favorite times of the year. Anyway, I think that about sums it up...
In other news, when we got home tonight we noticed that our glider lady had emailed us saying that she had taken a bunch of picture of our gliders for us and that she would send them to us tonight. So we had to wait. Then finally, we got the pictures. We were so excited. And oh man are they cute. I love them so, so much. I can't wait to hold them. I could go on for hours saying how cute they and how much I love them, but I'm going to stop here...
Well, I hope you enjoyed our day as much as we did. Until next time...
Song of the day: Free Fallin by Tom Petty
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