Oh to be a mouse...

I never really mentioned this the other day, but a day after the cats caught Seamus, they caught another mouse as well. And naturally, we saved it. After we put her in a cage, we noticed that her belly looked to be quite round. So round that you could see her nipples really well. It didn't take a genius to figure out the rest. From then on, it was a waiting game.

Yesterday when I checked on her, I noticed that she made a nest out of a toilet paper roll that we had given her. I didn't really think too much about it at the time, until LaVaughn woke up and saw it. Yup... you guessed it, she was making a nest for her babies. I looked and looked, but couldn't see anything. Then LaVaughn looked and saw one of the babies right away. We think there are only two, but we're not sure.

Well, I suppose that's all for now. Until next time, you know where to find me...

Love & Peace


Movie of the day: Teeth

Here are the pics:

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