Well last week my aunt (L's mom) called us and asked if we would help with her yard sale over the weekend. It was going to be the 18th, 19th, and 20th. So of course, we said yes. So we came over early Thursday morning and helped her and her husband (Gene) set everything up. Well, we were all setting outside around a table that she had set up. And as soon as the sun came up, it started to get super hot. We were all sweating and fanning ourselves just waiting for that first customer. Then finally, someone showed up. But don't get too excited people, only about 4 more people showed up that entire day. But during all this, my grandma wasn't feeling very well. We were all checking on her every little bit. She had slept until noon or so and then she would sleep in the chair. We were all getting worried about her and asking her if she wanted to go to the hospital. And of course, she said no. So then after about 3:00 or so, we decided to go stay with our grandma. Well she pretty much slept all evening and all through the night. Then the next morning she had to go to dialysis. She got up and got ready like any other time. Except about 7:30 or so, she told us that she wanted to go to the hospital instead of dialysis. So off she went. My aunt takes her to Festus every time she needs a hospital visit. So all we could do was wait. My aunt left us in charge of the yard sale, so that was real fun. We sat outside for about and hour. Then we decided that it was too hot so we went in the house and watched for people. All together, 4 people showed up. And only 3 got some stuff. It was so horrible. Then and it started to get later, we finally found out some info on our grandma. The doctor said that her organs in her stomach were swollen and she had 2 gallstones. So that was super fun to hear. The doctor also said that she had passed on stone and that it went in her liver. We were all so freaked out. So then the next day rolled around. We had to watch the yard sale again. Except that day, we got to close up shop a little early. We took all the signs down about noon. So then we started calling about grandma again. The doctor said that she was doing better, but she would have to have her gallbladder taken out. How bad is that? An 88 year old woman having her gallbladder taken out. It was so horrible to hear. But that night and the next day, she got a little better. So they decided to do the surgery Monday. Well, Sunday my other aunt called us and asked if we were going to the hospital Monday. We said yes. So then she asked if it would be ok if she went with us. So of course, we said yes. Them Monday rolled around and we went and got our aunt. We got up to the hospital around 11:30 or so. Then we had to wait. When she finally got out of surgery, we were so relieved. The doctor said that the surgery went wonderful. She just had a little bleeding after. He said that was normal since she was taking aspirin and dialysis. And naturally, that makes her blood thin. Then he told us that her gallbladder was full of gallstones. After all that, we had to go sit in the ICU waiting room. Then we had to wait some more. After about 2 hours, we finally got to see her. LaVaughn and me sat in there with her for about 30 minutes, then we had to take our aunt home. So after we said our goodbyes, we left. It was so hot yesterday. Luckily, we got to drive our aunt's car from her place to the hospital. And she has air conditioning, which we do not. Anyway, that's about all of that for now. I talked to my uncle today and he told me that she was doing pretty good. I'm going to call here in a little bit and see how she is. I'll probably update you later...
In other news. We've been playing with our gliders a lot. We take them in the bathroom 2 or 3 times a day. For about and hour or more each time. At the beginning of last week, my little devil stared being real mean. She would crab if we would put or hands anywhere near her. Then she got to where she would crab even if we walked by her cage. We were getting kind of worried that she would never like us, but we were wrong. She's gotten so much better in the past few days. She doesn't scream at us anymore. She's still a little pouch protective, but hopefully that gets better with time. They are so cute and such a cool pet. They're pretty much all I think about. I think that's all about them for now. I uploaded loads of picture of them at the bottom. So, enjoy.
Ok, what else. Last Monday we order our gliders a new cage. It's called the Brisbane Cage. But we go the Brisbane Cage Package Set . Which was so much cooler than just the cage. We also got some jungle vines, papaya and blueberry treats, and some pineapple and papaya treats. Well, we got that in the mail Friday. I thought I was going to die when I saw the UPS truck pull up. The dude carried it in for us, so that was cool. And like as soon as we shut the door behind him, we started ripping the box open. After we got it opened, we saw that it was bent at the end. We were so pissed. Then wen we started putting it together, we noticed that they didn't give us any instructions. I was like, "What the hell!" but we put it together anyway. After we got it together and on its stand, we really seen how big it actually was. It's huge! I didn't expect it to be that big. It's so super nice though. Our gliders love it. I added a couple pictures of it so you could see what it looked like.
Aside from the cage, we also ordered a cage set. It's so super cute. We got in on eBay for the very low price of, $37.79. That's with shipping and adding hooks. You can see it Here . We didn't get it until Monday. So after we got back from the hospital, we ripped it open. We started looking at it and spreading it out on the floor, then we noticed that we were missing a couple pieces. We had got 13 pieces instead of 15. So LaVaughn emailed the lady and told her. Luckily, she was super nice about it and told us that she would send the rest of it asap. I also uploaded a picture of all the stuff in our cage.
Lets see... is there anything else? Oh yea, we got mealworms for our gliders! We had went to Poplar Bluff last Monday to get some, but both pet stores were out. So we had to settle for super worms. And they were super bug too. Well, we got them home and tried to give our gliders one, but they were terrified of them. So we eventually had to throw them out. Well Monday, I called the local pet/food place (animal food, not human food) and asked if they had any, And to my surprise, they did. So I like flew to the store before they closed and got a 50 pick of them. Well, that night we finally go to feed our gliders some. I feel so bad for the worms, but I love to watch our glider eat them. It's so bad...
Well, I think that sums everything up. Hope you enjoyed it. In the next day or two, I'll have a few movie reviews for you. So until them, keep on rockin!
- Megan
Song of the day: I Feel Like Going Home by Muddy Waters
Kira in the pouch that my aunt made.
Sadie in a her little fleece pouch that I made her.
Kira in the little pouch that I made her.
Sadie hanging on the shower curtain.
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