Well last night was fun...

Last night, we were on our way to Redbox to pick up, Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (badass move by the way), when all of a sudden, we passed a cop. And I know I haven't mentioned it, but our front left headlight is out. As soon as the cop car passed, he flipped his lights on and turned around. It was inevitable, we were getting pulled over. So, as he slowly crept up behind us, we pulled over. And to top it off, we were in the middle of town. So, he came to the window and asked for my ID and proof of insurance. So, I grabbed my wallet, handed him my ID, and asked LaVaughn to get the insurance paper. After about a minute or so of her searching, I knew we were screwed. I looked at the officer and said, "Aw man, I just printed our proof of insurance paper out like 3 days before." He kind of laughed and said, "Well, you have to have it." so we continued looking. After dragging every piece of paper out of the car, all we could find was one from 2006, yea, 2006. So he just took that and went back to his car. We sat there for like 10 minutes, at least. And I'm not sure if you know Missouri law for driving without POI, but you get 4 points on your record and a big ass fine. It's a bitch. Well, as we were sitting there, LaVaughn looked down at the floor and saw a another piece of paper. And guess what it was? Our POI paper! We were stoked man. After that, my attitude really perked up. So, what seemed to be an hour later, the cop finally came back to the window, ticket in hand. I screamed, "We found it bitch!" well, maybe not the bitch part, but it sounded good. He looked at me and was like, "Oh, you should've waved for me." I said sorry. Then he was like, "Ok, I'll just void this, but you need to get a headlight." so off we went.

It was such a nightmare! I freakin hate the cops man. They freak me out so bad. Every time I pass one, it's like they're singling me out, lol. Well, needless to say, we got our headlight that night and put it in before we got home. It was all good fun.

So, let this be a lesson to you all. If you have a busted headlight, you're not invincible, get the thing fixed. And always, I repeat, always, have proof of insurance. Until next time, you know where to find me. Keep on rockin!


Song of the day: Dream Police by Cheap Trick

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