
Hey again people. I was just sitting here, waiting on one of the many, many people that I email about an Xbox to email me back. So I thought to myself, "Why not write about, Orphan." So, here I am. We rented this lovely little movie from RedBox last night. And I have to say, it's definitely not what the previews make it out to be. It's much better and much darker than that. It's definitely up there with some of the best movies of 2009. to us anyway. Some people would probably frown upon something like this, but not us. It has a really nasty little twist at the end that will shock you. So, if the previews didn't pull you in, hopefully this review will. It's definitely worth the watch. I give it a 8/10.

Well kiddies, that's all I have for now. Hopefully next week I'll be reviewing Left 4 Dead 2. Oh wait, I can. It's awesome and I give it a 10/10! Wishful thinking...

Well, until next time, see you on the other side. Peace...


Song of the day: Gold Dust Woman by Hole

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