Last minute trip to the mall...

My uncle was supposed to be home in time today to take my aunt to her doctor in Cape. Well, he ended up having to go to Kentucky for work and couldn't make it home, so LaVaughn and I took her instead. It worked out, her appointment wasn't until 3 and wee needed to go to Bath & Body Works to pick up a couple small gifts for people.

Of course, we ventured all around the mall before we left. I kept getting air pressure warnings in the rear left tire, so after we left the mall we had to run to the shop. Since we have nitrogen air on our tires, we can only put nitrogen air in our tires that can only be done at Plaza Tire. It sucks... We got the air, though, and it didn't take long.

We were off to the pet store after that to grab some of Zoe and Una's favorite foods. We stopped by the shoe store next door for a few minutes where I found some ADORABLE handbags. They were only $50 -- most were 30% off and I believe they were buy on get one, not sure. I left empty handed, though. I will be back, that you can count on.

We hopped over to the market for some last minute grocery shopping before it was time to go pick my aunt up from the store. All in all, not a bad day. Long, but not bad.

The drive there:

The mall:

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