Time for cutting and scenery...

And no, I'm not talking about cutting myself. Tried that once - didn't much care for it. We had to cut a couple cage sets today that will get sewn up and shipped out Monday. Or Tuesday, depending on how things go.

Aside from that, I managed to nab a few scenic pictures from around the yard. It's been a while, so I thought, "Why not?". I find that I do my best "scenic" work during the spring and fall. I guess it's because the temperatures are more mild and not sweltering hot or anything.

Well, I suppose that's all for now...

Love & Peace


Movie of the day: Storm Warning

Here are the pictures:

 The two cage sets that were cut.

A birds nest. I believe Swallow's made this nest...

Yes, the tree has grown around this metal rod.

Beautiful Maple leaf... my absolute favorite of the leaves. :D

Leaf veins.

Look at how huge this leaf is! Looks like something you would see in the Amazon!

Tiny, black bug.

A beautiful Tiger Lily.

An close shot of the Tiger Lily.

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