In everything find beauty...

I love this saying, "If you truly love the world, you will find beauty in everything." There is so much truth to it because beauty is everywhere. Whether it's an old rock, a decaying leaf, or just a clump of mossy dirt. I can take pictures of anything because I love taking pictures of everything, it's just in my blood. Today was one of those days, for a short period anyways.

It's so sickening, but you'd honestly be amazed at just how many spiders that are out there. On cars, in the trees, on flowers, in the ground, on old things that are just lying around -- everywhere! To a person like me, that's a nightmare that you can't escape. I even went as far as almost being pummeled by a jumping spider... yeah, scary.

The rest was just of random things -- like leaves and flowers. It was unbelievably hot, so I didn't stay outside too long, but I didn't manage to get a decent amount of pictures in a short time. I can't wait for fall, perfect weather, perfect pictures.

Well, I can hear The Last of Us calling my name (I'm a wee bit obsessed), so I better call it a night. Until next time...

Love & Peace


A few new pictures of Charli's little girl:

Just the surface of mine and LaVaughn's nail polish collection:

Another sneak peek of Kira's two joeys:

Around the yard:

Ugh, I hate these kinds of spiders. They're flat with what appears to be pincers.

This guys was kind of pretty.

AHHHH! I hate jumping spiders!! This one tried to attack me... sad face.

See it? It's another spider with pincers!

"Meow! All day long all I want to do is meow!"

"And look really cute when I stretch up on you, I like to do that too."

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