Sugar glider tooth problems...

I've kept myself fairly busy today, I started with cleaning up around the house, then I made my way to the glider room where I decided to trim nails, change pouches, and weigh everyone. I even managed to set aside enough time to take some pictures of the joeys. I know, I deserve an award.

The main reason I decided to trim nails is because of Pip, who has been a tad under the weather lately. He's been having teeth problems for a couple months now, but it seems to have gotten worse -- much worse. He seemed frail to me, so I decided to weigh him. I was right, he's lost 13 grams! And all of this due to tartar build up... it's so depressing.

I talked to Val (renowned glider-illness expert) and explained the situation to her. Luckily -- but not -- she's experienced something similar with a glider of hers, Cheddar. She recommended I talk to the vet about a clorhexadine rinse and the use of Gum-Soft Picks. As soon as I got done talking to her, I went and bought two 80 packs of the picks. They work great to clean the tartar out from between his front teeth. Of course, he's not happy about it, but it does help him eat better.

And since he is having so much problem eating anything solid, we deiced to switch him an Sadie from HPW (which is liquid) to Reep's. Now I'm sure most of you don't remember, but we fed Reep's for a short period of time back in the winter of 2010. One batch just does not make enough for the number of gliders we have, so we stuck with HPW. The only reason we're feeding him this now is because it's a hearty diet. It has baby food, baby cereal, and a couple other things. We're hoping that it will help him put on some more weight. Only time will tell.

Well, since I'm done with my chores for the day, I believe I'm going to have a little "me" time and go play The Last of Us...

Love & Peace


Here's Petra:



And lastly, our POP! Television Funk Supernatural, Sam and Dean:

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