Guess who's 3 weeks old today!

If you guessed the kittens, then you're right! Our gorgeous little furballs are getting so big and so cute. Not that they weren't cute to begin with, but they're starting to look less like aliens and more like kittens. They're also starting to get playful!

Aside from the kitten excitement, I also have loads of pictures to share. The lighting was so beautiful today, I just had to take some pictures. I need to get all the outdoor enjoyment while I can. The sweltering summer months aren't too far away.

Well, I suppose that's all for now. Hope you enjoy the pics...

Love & Peace


Song of the day: Lunatic Fringe by Red Rider

Here are the pics:

 Farm fresh eggs are definitely one of the best things about having chickens. I love that we eat free range chicken eggs instead of what you buy in stores.

 Red rose.

 Another red rose.

 A rose bud.

 A beautiful purple Iris flower.

 A close up on the yellow center of the purple Iris flower.

 The inside of an Iris flower.

 A beautiful dandelion.

 This reminds me of a 70s style dandelion.

 Close up on the dandelion.

 And another dandelion, lol.


 An incandescent green and purple leaf.

 Our pretty green yard.

 Bleeding hearts.

 Tiny bleeding heart.

 Another bleeding heart.

 I don't know if I should put bleeding heart or bleeding hear flowers?

 I prefer them closed.

 As opposed to open. :)

 Our beautiful tortoiseshell cat, Esther.

 I prefer tortie cat, though. 

The following pictures were taken by LaVaughn:

A pretty Tiger Swallowtail butterfly.

 Such a pretty creature.

 I love the yellow and black contrast.

 And the last one.

The following photos are of our now 3 week old kittens:






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