One and one, and one is three...

I was going to blog yesterday about the exciting things that took place Wednesday night, but I thought I would keep my blogs limited at the moment and just post tonight. Cause lets face it, aside from getting new gliders not much has happened -- at least nothing blog worthy.

Now, lets hop back to tent time Wednesday night -- which I did alone, I might add. I braved the gliders and decided to intro Ellie to the new additions, Ginny and Oliver. I was extremely nervous to do it alone, but I kept my cool and proceeded with confidence.

That was, without a doubt, one of the EASIEST intros I've ever done in my entire life! They hit it off from the moment they sniffed noses! Ellie got a little spooked when the two littles jumped on the tent wall and started running around. I guess she's still scarred from Fiona and Neal chasing her all over the place, because she got kind of crabby towards them a couple times. That's the only reason Ginny had a set back. Ellie crabbed at her one time and it scared Ginny to death. It wasn't until I got all 4 of them in a bonding pouch together that she realized Ellie wasn't going to kill her.

I'm VERY pleased to say that the THREE of them are living happily in the SAME cage!

Now yesterday... lets see, what exactly did take place yesterday? I remember taking pictures of the rats and that's about yet.

Okay, lets skip yesterday and focus on today. We had to venture to Fredericktown today to complete a few different things. LaVaughn had to take care of some things at the DMV, we had to drop some things off at our aunt's house, then we had to grocery shop. I know, fun! Nothing more really needs to be said about today, cause that's basically all that took place.

I guess that's really all. Enjoy the massive amount of pictures below...

Love & Peace


Here are the pictures from Wednesday:

This is Una's mini session. Zoe had one, she needed one:

Gotta get the ham in there too.

Milla and all her radiance:

Among other things, like cats and flowers:

This dog is gorgeous.

Jasper loved this string.

Cersei is such a gorgeous flirt.

She looks mean, but I love this one.

Milla's mini shoot:


I just wanted one picture of one of our cages with the good lens.

It's hard to tell, but Ellie, Oliver, and Ginny are all in this triple hammock together.

Since I never post pictures of my rat boys, here are several completely random ones:

Louie is the cutest (and fattest) thing!

Leo had to come out for some attention.

To eat, of course.

He is too cute.

Poor baby still has head tilt, just not as bad.

And Friday (today):

Here's our mass amount of honey. O.o

Fruit salad. DELICIOUS!

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